C2000Ware Digital Power SDK
TIDM-HV-1PH-DCAC - Single-phase Voltage Source Inverter & Grid Connected Inverter

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Target Applications

Voltage Source Inverter Grid Connected Inverter
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
  • Micro Grids
  • Photovoltaic Inverters
  • Grid Storage
  • Active rectifier
  • Photovoltaic Inverters
  • Micro Grids
  • Photovoltaic Inverters
  • Grid Storage
  • Active rectifier

Features & Specification

Voltage Source Inverter Grid Connected Inverter
380 DC Vin, 110Vrms 60Hz or 220Vrms 50Hz output selectable, 600VA max Output 380 DC Vin, 110Vrms 60Hz, 500VA max Output
98% peak efficiency 97% peak efficiency
Low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • < 1% for linear loads and < 3% for typical non linear loads with SDFM
  • < 2% for linear loads and < 4% for typical non linear load with ADC
Low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • < 2% for power more than 50% rated load
Selectable operation of the controller on cold (i.e. Isolated) or hot (i.e. non-isolated) side


This reference design leverages the same hardware to implement both Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) and Grid Connected Inverters (GCI) designs, both designs are available with C2000™ TMS320F28379D and TMS320F280049C real-time MCU.


Voltage Source Inverters Description

Voltage source inverters (VSI) are commonly used in uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) to regulate an AC voltage at the output. Control design of UPS can be challenging because of the unknown nature of load that can be connected to the output of the inverter. This design implements control of a voltage source inverter with an LC output filter that has both high efficiency and low THD.

Control Scheme of VSI

Grid Connected Inverters Description

Grid Connected Invereter (GCI) are commonly used in PV Inverters to feed power into the grid. Control design of these inverters can be challenging because of the multiple algroithms such as phase locked loop, anti-isalanding and current control, that need to be run. This design implement control of a grid connected inverter with an LCL output filter that has both high efficiency and low THD.

Control Scheme of GCI

Relevant Links

Useful links regarding the reference design are provided below:

Voltage Source Inverter Links

Grid Connected Inverter Links

To import and evaulate CCS project using the button above, please access the current page via Resource Explorer from Code Composer Studio (CCS), or CCS Cloud. (go to CCS->View->Resource Explorer)

Steps to Run the Example

  • It's strongly recommended to first read through the User Guide/Software Guide for any specific setup instructions and hazard warnings before proceeding.
  • To import CCS projects, either import via the button above or mannually select the file directory where this solutions resides.
  • Build the project within the CCS project menu, then launch a CCS debug session and run the executable.

Release Notes

Shown below lists all the software revision history for this reference design:

Software Version SDK Release Changelog
v2.00.00 First release, on F2837xD devices in C2000Ware Digital Power SDK
v2.00.01 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Updated software libraries folder strcture, due to libraries changes (DCL,SFRA,SPLL,Power Measurements and Utilities)
  • Updated hardware documents, under solutions/tidm_hv_1ph_dcac/hardware folder
v2.00.02 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Remove IQmath references
  • Updates to SFRA library v1.40.0
  • Software code clean and bugfixes
v3.00.00 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Changes due to powerSUITE GUI update which is now based in sysconfig
  • Ported and changed project setting from COFF to EABI
  • Bugfix for build level references to use IQmath isntead of FPU math library
v3.00.01 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Changes to support operation without an emulator attached:
    • Added “–entry_point code_start” option to the linker settings in the CCS project.
    • Disabled watchdog in the codestartbranch.asm file
    • Updated linker command file to place FPUmathtables in FLASH and SFRA libray into RAM.
  • Known Issues:
    • Figures 12, 13 of Grid Connected Inverter's User Guide have some typos. See this E2E post on the correction
    • The profiling pins for the Voltage Source Inverter solution on F28379D in voltagesourceinvlcfltr_user_settings.h are incorrectly listed as GPIOs 40/41 when it should actually be GPIOs 58/59. See this E2E post on the workaround
v3.00.02 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Add support for legacy driverlib macros
  • Changed compiler version (from v18.12.5.LTS to v20.2.1.LTS)
v3.00.03 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Add support for source-lookup path for driverlib
  • Changed compiler version (from v20.2.1.LTS to v21.6.0.LTS)
v3.00.04 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Software updates to device.c, device.h, driverlib.h to account for changes in C2000Ware
  • Projectspec updates to account for changes to Kit.json output from sysconfig tool
  • Changed compiler version (from v21.6.0.LTS to v22.6.0.LTS)
v3.00.05 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Software updates to driverlib.h to account for changes in C2000Ware 4.03.00

Hardware design files

For EVM design files such as schematics, BOM, PCB layouts & assembly files, please visit TI design webpage from the link above and the hardware folder located in solutions/tidm_hv_1ph_dcac/hardware/.

Help and Support

For additional help and support, please visit TI E2E™ design support forums