C2000Ware Digital Power SDK
TIDM-1000 - Vienna Rectifier based Three Phase Power Factor Corrector

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Target Applications

  • Off Board Chargers for EV
  • Telecom Rectifier
  • Drives, Welding and other Industrial

Features & Specification

  • Three Phase Input 208 VL-L 60Hz, Output 600V DC Nominal, 1.2KW
  • Three Phase Input 400 VL-L 50Hz, Output 700V DC Nominal, 2.4KW
  • 50kHz PWM Switching Frequency
  • > 98% Peak Efficiency
  • Low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) <2% at full load and low line
  • Selectable operation of the controller on cold i.e. Isolated or hot i.e. non-isolated side
  • Monitoring and control of Vienna rectifier based on HTTP GUI page and Ethernet support (F2838x only)


Vienna rectifier power topology is used in high power three phase power factor (AC-DC) applications such as off board EV chargers and telecom rectifiers.

Control design of the rectifier can be complex. This design illustrates a method to control the power stage using a C2000™ TMS320F28388D or TMS320F28377D or TMS320F280049C real-time MCU. It also enables monitoring and control of Vienna rectifier based on the HTTP GUI page and Ethernet support (F2838x only).

TIDM-1000 EVM Board
TIDM-1000 System Block Diagram

Relevant Links

Useful links regarding the reference design are provided below:

To import and evaulate CCS project using the button above, please access the current page via Resource Explorer from Code Composer Studio (CCS), or CCS Cloud. (go to CCS->View->Resource Explorer)

Steps to Run the Example

  • It's strongly recommended to first read through the User Guide/Software Guide for any specific setup instructions and hazard warnings before proceeding.
  • To import CCS projects, either import via the button above or mannually select the file directory where this solutions resides.
  • Build the project within the CCS project menu, then launch a CCS debug session and run the executable.

Release Notes

Shown below lists all the software revision history for this reference design:

Software Version SDK Release Changelog
v1.00.00 N/A First release, on F2837xD devices from controlSUITE
v2.00.00 New device support & Enhancements:
  • Added F28004x as a supported device
  • Added CLA routine support for F28004x and F28377D
    • Using CLA background task on F28004x
  • Opt-in for DCL library for the controllers
v2.00.01 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Updated software libraries folder strcture, due to libraries changes (DCL,SFRA,SPLL,Power Measurements and Utilities)
v3.00.00 New device support & Enhancements:
  • Added F2838xD devices as a supported device
  • Added Ethernet support and demo on monitoring and control of Vienna rectifier.
v3.00.01 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Updates in datalog library
v4.00.00 Bugfixes & Enhancements:
  • Changes due to powerSUITE GUI update which is now based in sysconfig
  • Ported and changed project setting from COFF to EABI
  • Fixed a bug in F28004x example for build 4 (Kp changed from 100 to 1)
v4.01.00 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Updated F2838xD solution
    • Updated library for Fpu64
    • Updated ethernet example and demo
    • Modified software due to change in external oscillator frequency for 20Mhz to 25Mhz
v4.01.01 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Updated to have Non-powerSUITE examples with user_settings.h instead of GUI
v4.01.02 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Add support for legacy driverlib macros
  • Changed compiler version (from v18.12.5.LTS to v20.2.1.LTS)
v4.01.03 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Add support for source-lookup path for driverlib
  • Changed compiler version (from v20.2.1.LTS to v21.6.0.LTS)
  • Update F2838x VCU compiler flag due to changes in C2000Ware driverlib
v4.01.04 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Software updates to device.c, device.h, driverlib.h to account for changes in C2000Ware
  • Projectspec updates to account for changes to Kit.json output from sysconfig tool
  • Changed compiler version (from v21.6.0.LTS to v22.6.0.LTS)
v4.01.05 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Software updates to driverlib.h to account for changes in C2000Ware 4.03.00

Hardware design files

For EVM design files such as schematics, BOM, PCB layouts & assembly files, please visit TI design webpage from the link above.

Help and Support

For additional help and support, please visit TI E2E™ design support forums