C2000Ware Digital Power SDK
PMP41006 - 1kW GaN CCM Totem-pole Bridgeless PFC and Current Mode LLC

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Target Applications

  • Merchant network and server PSU
  • Merchant telecom rectifiers
  • Digital controlled industrial AC-DC

Features & Specification

  • 80 plus titanium efficiency, η = > 95% at 20– 100% load
  • Fast load transient, VO change within 300 mV at 2.5-A/μs slew rate
  • CCM GaN based totem-pole bridgeless PFC stage with > 99% peak efficiency, enabled by LMG341x GaN FET with integrated driver
  • Half-bridge Si MOSFET LLC stage with > 98% peak efficiency
  • Power density 39 W/in3 , 38mm × 66mm × 165mm
  • Suppport for Soft Start and Burst Mode
PMP41006 Design Specification
Vin (Min) (V) 100
Vin (Max) (V) 264
Vout (Nom) (V) 12
Iout (Max) (A) 84
Output Power (W) 1008
Isolated/Non-Isolated Isolated
Input Type AC
Topology Boost - PFC & Half Bridge - LLC & PFC - Boost


This reference design demonstrates a hybrid hysteresis control (HHC) method, a kind of current-mode control method, on half-bridge LLC stage with C2000™ TMS320F280039C real-time MCU.

The hardware is based on TIDA-010062, which is 1kW, 80 Plus titanium, GaN CCM totem pole bridgeless PFC and half-bridge LLC reference design.

A separate sensing card is added for hybrid hysteresis control, which recreates the voltage on the resonant capacitor. Overall, the result documented in the test report shows better transient response and ease-of-control loop design, compared with the single-loop voltage mode control method (VMC).

PMP41006 EVM Board
C2000 MCU interface with PMP41006 Power Stage Diagram

Relevant Links

Useful links regarding the reference design are provided below:

To import and evaulate CCS project using the button above, please access the current page via Resource Explorer from Code Composer Studio (CCS), or CCS Cloud. (go to CCS->View->Resource Explorer)

Steps to Run the Example

  • It's strongly recommended to first read through the User Guide/Software Guide for any specific setup instructions and hazard warnings before proceeding.
  • To import CCS projects, either import via the button above or mannually select the file directory where this solutions resides.
  • Build the project within the CCS project menu, then launch a CCS debug session and run the executable.

Release Notes

Shown below lists all the software revision history for this reference design:

Software Version SDK Release Changelog
v1.00.00 First release, on F28004x devices in C2000Ware Digital Power SDK
v2.00.00 New Device Support & Enhancements:
  • Added F28003x as a supported device
  • Added soft-start and burst mode
v2.01.00 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Software updates to device.c, device.h, driverlib.h to account for changes in C2000Ware
  • Projectspec updates to account for changes to Kit.json output from sysconfig tool
  • Changed compiler version (from v21.6.0.LTS to v22.6.0.LTS)
v2.02.00 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Software updates to driverlib.h to account for changes in C2000Ware 4.03.00

Hardware design files

For EVM design files such as schematics, BOM, PCB layouts & assembly files, please visit TI design webpage from the link above.

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For additional help and support, please visit TI E2E™ design support forums