Azure IoT Plugin Change Log

Table of Contents


New Features

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-72 Update to Azure SDK February 2020 LTS release
AZUREIOT-70 CC32XX - Update documentation to provide clear steps on updating the Service Pack and Cert Store
AZUREIOT-68 MSP432E4 - Use the NDK library with hardware acceleration
AZUREIOT-66 Support the SimpleLink 4.10 (Q1 2020) SDKs
AZUREIOT-32 Update examples to use Display_printf() instead of printf() and route log output to Display_printf()

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-62 HTTP message properties are not received by device


New Features

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-59 Support the SimpleLink 3.30 (Q3 2019) SDKs
AZUREIOT-35 Add sysconfig support to examples

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
None None

Compatibility Notes

All examples in this release have been updated to use SysConfig. SysConfig generates .c and .h files with the various configuration data structures and constants. These files were previously written by hand. Check the SimpleLink SDK’s User’s Guide for more information about SysConfig.


New Features

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-55 Create macOS installer
AZUREIOT-54 Support the SimpleLink 3.20 (Q2 2019) SDKs
AZUREIOT-53 Provide pre-built DPS-enabled libraries
AZUREIOT-47 Need to add lp_monitor_demo for CC3235

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-52 CC3235 example metadata has wrong device


New Features

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-44 Support the SimpleLink 2.40 (Q4 2018) SDKs
AZUREIOT-37 Add support for CC3235

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-49 Setting x509 certificates using IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption() results in unauthorized connection
AZUREIOT-46 Build warnings in prov_dev_client_ll_sample for GCC + TIRTOS

Compatibility Notes

In this release, there is a change in the certificate file that contains the certificate used for connecting to Azure. If you have run examples from previous releases of the plugin, delete the old ms.pem file from the cert/ directory on the device’s filesystem. When you run an example from this release, it automatically flashes the new file if one is not present.


New Features

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-33 Reuse variables from SDK's imports.mak when possible
AZUREIOT-29 Support the SimpleLink 2.30 (Q3 2018) SDKs
AZUREIOT-28 Update to October 2018 LTS release
AZUREIOT-26 Add support for DPS
AZUREIOT-24 Provide debug libraries with tracing enabled

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-31 Complete FreeRTOS support in Azure plugin


New Features

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-21 Support the SimpleLink 2.20 (Q2 2018) SDKs
AZUREIOT-19 Update to Jan 2018 LTS release
AZUREIOT-16 add support for X509 authentication
AZUREIOT-12 Add MSP432E4 support
AZUREIOT-6 Add FreeRTOS support

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AZUREIOT-25 printf() output should follow toolchain behavior rather than build on UARTUtils
AZUREIOT-17 Memory leak in tlsio_sl_destroy() in tlsio_sl.c
AZUREIOT-15 Examples should honor user configured SECURITY_TYPE
AZUREIOT-13 HTTPAPI_CreateConnection() can cause memory corruption on server connection failures
AZUREIOT-8 Remove .git files in azure-iot-sdk-c created by git submodule cloning

Compatibility Notes

This release uses a new directory structure for the Platform Adaptation Layer (PAL) so that it is cleanly separated from the rest of the Microsoft Azure IoT C SDK. This makes it easier to distinguish TI-modified content in the PAL versus the code directly obtained from Microsoft, which is helpful when updating the latter.