AWS IoT Plugin Change Log

Table of Contents


New Features

ID Summary
AWSIOT-78 Create macOS installer
AWSIOT-75 Add sysconfig support to examples
AWSIOT-72 Quick Start Guide Updates
AWSIOT-70 Support the SimpleLink 3.30 (Q3 2019) SDKs
AWSIOT-67 Convert large ms timeout values into seconds on iot_tls_read
AWSIOT-66 MSP432E4 - Define certificate arrays in a source file instead of a header file
AWSIOT-14 CC32XX - Use Uniflash tool for flashing certs securely

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AWSIOT-32 CC32XX - Support AP WiFi provisioning option

Compatibility Notes

All examples in this release have been updated to use SysConfig. SysConfig generates .c and .h files with the various configuration data structures and constants. These files were previously written by hand. Check the SimpleLink SDK’s User’s Guide for more information about SysConfig.


New Features

ID Summary
AWSIOT-62 Support the SimpleLink 2.40 (Q4 2018) SDKs
AWSIOT-48 Add support for CC3235

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
None None


New Features

ID Summary
AWSIOT-58 Add print to the beginning of the AWS example thread
AWSIOT-53 Support the SimpleLink 2.30 (Q3 2018) SDKs

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AWSIOT-56 clean up code of iot_tls_connect() and iot_tls_destroy() may free the same object twice


New Features

ID Summary
AWSIOT-54 Update to v3.0.1 tag in aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C repo
AWSIOT-51 Add support for MSP432E4
AWSIOT-50 Support the SimpleLink 2.20 (Q2 2018) SDKs
AWSIOT-9 Switch to PEM formatted certificates

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AWSIOT-46 Update sl_WlanConnect() call to use the user configured SECURITY_TYPE macro
AWSIOT-41 Update Shadow Console example README file's command to have extra arg
AWSIOT-38 Correct filename in banner comment of certs.h


New Features

ID Summary
AWSIOT-30 Examples shouldn't call Display_ APIs from main
AWSIOT-25 Add installer description for .zip files in QSG
AWSIOT-23 Update to CC3220 1.40 SDK
AWSIOT-22 Demonstrate how to enable power management in the examples
AWSIOT-15 Example code should retry NTP server when it doesn't respond

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
AWSIOT-37 Add FREERTOS_INSTALL_DIR variable into products.mak
AWSIOT-34 Change examples to call sl_stop() with a 200ms wait time
AWSIOT-31 AWS examples should not define OVERWRITE_CERTS in compiler options
AWSIOT-24 Hard fault occurs when calling AWS connect/disconnect/connect sequence


New Features

ID Summary
AWSIOT-4 Update to CC3220 SDK 1.30
AWSIOT-3 AWS timer and network layer should use POSIX APIs
AWSIOT-2 Update aws_iot_connect() to call TLS_setCerts() to set them as specified in the app code

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
None None