Cannot determine version TI 15.4 Stack Linux x64 Release Notes

TI 15.4 Stack Linux x64 Release Notes

Table of Contents


This document is for version GA (GA= General Availability) build.


The TI 15.4-Stack released as part of the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK supports a Star network topology for Sub-1GHz applications. TI 15.4-Stack software runs on TI’s SimpleLink™ Sub-1GHz wireless microcontrollers, including the CC1310 and CC1350. Devices running TI 15.4-Stack offer key benefits, such as longer range in the FCC band and better protection against in-band interference through use of frequency hopping. TI 15.4-Stack provides a complete end-to-end long range wireless application development solution to reduce time and cost of getting your product to market quickly.

Developers targeting products based on TI 15.4-Stack-2.3.0 have two architecture choices for their product development. First option is to have entire TI 15.4-Stack application and stack can run within the SimpleLink CC13x0 MCU (as an embedded application) while the second option is to have the application running on a host (running Linux OS, etc) interfacing to the SimpleLink ULP CC13x0 MCU running the MAC Co-Processor Application.

This TI 15.4-Stack Linux SDK provides example Linux host applications, tools, documentation that allow to develop products using the architecture option two using a Linux host interfacing with the CC13x0 running MAC CoProcessor as described above.


The following documentation is available for this release.

New Features

ID Summary
TIMAC-1568 Enabled broadcast mechanism in frequency hopping mode, allowing PAN Coordinator to send broadcast to the network devices
TIMAC-1556 TI 15.4-Stack supports the 200 Kbps data rate for beacon mode.

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
TIMAC-1581 Fixed an issue where scan with energy Detect returns RSSIas 0xe4 instead of 0x0 for a free channel
SDKSYSAPPS-298 Fixed the issue where CC13x0 TI 15.4-Stack OAD does not resume correctly after orphan rejoin
SDKSYSAPPS-133 Fixed the Linux collector oad file path location to oad bin directory in the sdk. This issue was observed when running the application from pre-built binaries folder.
SDKSYSAPPS-111 Fixed an issue where NO_ROM Symbol was not being used in 15.4 application app.cfg file

Known Issues

ID Summary
SDKSYSAPPS-306 13x2 ROM Serial Boot-loader Linux example is not functional

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Operating System & Dependencies

The TI 15.4-Stack Linux SDK requires:

Device and Development Board Support

Supported Devices

Supported Development Platforms


This product follows a version format,, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates