Network Services User's Guide

Table of Contents


The Network Services (NS) Component provides a set of cross-platform libraries that provide common services related to networking.

At its core is the SlNetSock library that insulates users from the differences between network stacks. For example, users can call SlNetSock_socket() to create a network socket, and that will work whether your network stack is the MSP432E4’s NDK, the CC32XX’s WiFi driver, a Linux-based network stack, or some other.

SlNetSock also provides portable TLS APIs, enabling users to create TLS-aware applications that aren’t bound to a particular network stack or security library. Users who want to bring their own TLS-of-choice-on-top, can ignore the TLS-related SlNetSock APIs and configure their own TLS stack to sit above the [non-secure] SlNetSock APIs.

NS also provides a growing number of application layer networking protocols - such as HTTP/MQTT/SNTP clients, and others. These libraries are inherently portable, as they’re built upon the SlNetSock APIs.


The SlNetSock Module was created to provide a portable, familiar network socket API that supports multiple network stacks, as well as encompasses network TLS security.

API Reference Guide

The detailed description of the SlNetSock APIs can be found in the API Reference Guides:


To use the SlNetSock APIs, the application should include its header file as follows:

#include <ti/net/slnetsock.h>


Example pseudocode can also be found in the API Reference Guide: