Change Log

New Features

JIRA Description
TIRTOS-1312 Update POSIX pthread support to show ‘fxn’ in UIA execution graph
TIDRIVERS-1280 UART drivers should have error function in HwAttrs
TIDRIVERS-1183 Improve RAM footprint of No-RTOS HwiP dispatch table
TIDRIVERS-704 Convert SDSPI implementations to use SDFatFS interface

Bugs Resolved

JIRA Description
TIRTOS-1345 Timed functions expecting abstime on CLOCK_REALTIME are broken
TIRTOS-1282 FreeRTOS POSIX clock should support CLOCK_REALTIME
TIRTOS-1280 POSIX barrier broken on FreeRTOS
TIDRIVERS-1225 NVS drivers pre-erase 2 sectors when write is equal to sector size