
Table of Contents

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1543 Update examples and board files to support Sharp128 Display as the default (was Sharp96)
TIRTOS-1430 Call pthread_exit() in run stub to handle termination sequence
TIRTOS-1016 examplesgen – revise the process of importing examples to IAR

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1550 The main_tirtos.c file in many examples has flawed logic
TIRTOS-1528 time() should be implemented in posix for FreeRTOS
TIRTOS-1522 calloc() in FreeRTOS posix compiles into an infinite loop in GCC with -O2
TIRTOS-1512 pthread key data destructor never invoked [FreeRTOS]
TIDRIVERS-1805 Calling clock_settime delayed from init in FreeRTOS can cause error when clock_gettime is used
TIDRIVERS-1681 NVSSPI25X_close() does not wait for the external flash to be ready
TIDRIVERS-1649 UART driver has a race condition in callback mode
TIDRIVERS-1604 Clock timeout value lost after first run of clock function [FreeRTOS]

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1493 Add ENFILE to errno
TIDRIVERS-1068 Add 7-Bit UART Mode Support for MSP432
SLGRLIB-36 Add Image Reformer tool
MSP432SDK-348 Port Low power ADC application note to TIDrivers
MSP432SDK-347 Port ADC oversampling (driverLib) example to TIDrivers
MSP432SDK-346 Port CMSIS-DSP ULP example to IAR, GCC and Keil

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1508 Align default pthread stack size for all kernels
TIRTOS-1436 Thread handle set too late in pthread_create() [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1433 Clock period ignored when calling ClockP_create() [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1432 Clock start flag and period are ignored when calling ClockP_create()
TIRTOS-1429 Deadlock risk in _pthread_removeThreadKeys() [SYS/BIOS]
TIRTOS-1371 MSP432 powersleep and powerdeepsleep examples have unnecessary calls to GPIO_clearInt()
TIDRIVERS-1591 UART drivers stack usage in callback mode
TIDRIVERS-1565 ClockP_create() for FreeRTOS does not support a period of 0
TIDRIVERS-1485 The scheduler cannot be called from inside a HwiP_disable in a task context
TIDRIVERS-1475 Period calculation in PWM drivers (CC32XX, MSP432, MSP432E4) are off by 1
TIDRIVERS-1474 ADCBufMSP432_close() should not release a timer if a timer hasn't been allocated
TIDRIVERS-1454 PowerMSP432_getFreqs does not get BCLK
TIDRIVERS-1441 ClockP_usleep() for FreeRTOS calculates delay incorrectly
MSP432SDK-332 Update ADCBuf examples to use mutex when printing results
MSP432SDK-331 SDK Release notes do not include revision D silicon as supported devices
MSP432DVR-479 Non-BSD license on rom_map.h, rom.h inhibits MSP432 use in Zephyr OpenSource project
MSP432DVR-478 MAP_DMA_disableModule() is incomplete

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1421 Update FreeRTOSConfig.h assorted files to use v10 license
TIRTOS-1377 Update Core SDK products to use FreeRTOS version 10
TIRTOS-1368 FreeRTOS/POSIX clock_gettime() needs to be updated for FreeRTOS v10.0
TIDRIVERS-1310 Extend the NVS driver example to show how to add a custom region
TIDRIVERS-591 TI-DRIVERS should upgrade to FatFs v0.13a
TIDRIVERS-461 UART driver should notify application of errors
TIDRIVERS-441 Add SPIFFS, a lightweight file system that uses NVS to interface with on-chip or off-chip FLASH
SLGRLIB-14 Add RTOS support to Grlib
SLGRLIB-13 Grpahics Library should be common across SimpleLink SDKs
SLGRLIB-12 API Guide should list all supported toolchains
MSP432SDK-277 Addition of MCM Demo Example
MSP432SDK-250 Add Example to demonstrate CapTIvate BoosterPack

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1346 Incorrect thread protection in removeThreadKeys() [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1337 Dereference of freed memory in pthread_join() [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1336 pthread_detach() needs thread protection [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1335 Memory leak in pthread_create() on FreeRTOS
TIRTOS-1319 Incorrect thread protection in mq_open()
TIRTOS-1023 pthread_exit-related memory leak
TIDRIVERS-1413 ADCMSP432P/E drivers globalSemaphore should be created in init()
TIDRIVERS-1393 ADCBufMSP432_open() does not call ADCBufMSP432_close() when initHw() fails
TIDRIVERS-1382 Power Manager driver saves incorrect state of the IO
TIDRIVERS-1379 Timer never disabled for ADCBuf timer trigger
TIDRIVERS-1348 ADCBuf requires the user to assign two sample buffers even when using one-shot mode
TIDRIVERS-1335 PWMTimerMSP432.h is missing GPIO pin P10.5
TIDRIVERS-1307 UDMAMSP432_close() does not free resources
MSPIQMATH-21 MSP432 CCS library does not place functions in separate sections
MSP432SDK-283 MSP432P401R OOBE code is using deprecated API
MSP432DVR-469 Cannot get receive single byte API to work
MSP432DVR-468 Incorrect comment in the examples
MSP432DVR-464 ADC14_getMultiSequenceResult API seems to increment in too large of a step for each return of ADCMEM
MSP432DVR-463 DMA addressing is incorrect
MSP432DVR-462 CompE interrupt edge select functionality is opposite of TRM
MSP432DVR-460 Change SRAM retention API calls to driverlib for Q1 release.
MSP432DVR-459 Clock low timeout feature
MSP432DVR-458 P401 wait-states should be 1 at 48MHz
MSP432DVR-452 SYSCTL_A documentation non-existent.
MSP432DVR-450 uart_pc_echo_12mhz example initializes P1.1 as an input pin but isn't needed
MSP432DVR-449 MSP432P4111 DriverLib Examples have Flash wait states set to 2 for 48MHz
MSP432DVR-432 MSP432 PSS Monitor example code

New Features

TIRTOS-1318 Update Power Management User’s Guide describing enhancements for MSP432P4
TIRTOS-1312 Update POSIX pthread support to show ‘fxn’ in UIA execution graph
TIRTOS-1285 Enable FreeRTOS re-entrancy support for GNU targets (use newlib-nano)
TIRTOS-1281 Include FatFS examples for NoRTOS
TIRTOS-1032 POSIX header files should be binary compatibile for TIRTOS and FreeRTOS
TIDRIVERS-1280 UART drivers should have error function in HwAttrs
TIDRIVERS-1183 Improve RAM footprint of No-RTOS HwiP dispatch table
TIDRIVERS-1100 Add support in MSP432P4 ADCBuf Driver for ULTRA LOW POWER MODE using the ADCBuf_control API
TIDRIVERS-1073 Add support for Differential Mode to MSP432P4 ADCBuf driver (see adcInputMode in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-1071 MSP432P4 ADCBuf Driver defaults to only first sample triggered by Timer Trigger
TIDRIVERS-1061 Add DMA option to MSP432P4 ADCBuf driver (see useDMA in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-1059 Add crystal and alternate clock source support to PowerMSP432 driver
TIDRIVERS-856 Add support in MSP432P4 ADCBuf Driver for Internal Sources - Battery Monitor and Temperature Sensor (see adcInternalSource in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-704 Convert SDSPI implementations to use SDFatFS interface
MSP432SDK-165 Update MSP432P4 Driverlib and Register Level examples to demonstrate how to achieve lower power numbers

Bugs Resolved

JIRA Description
TIRTOS-1345 Timed functions expecting abstime on CLOCK_REALTIME are broken
TIRTOS-1282 FreeRTOS POSIX clock should support CLOCK_REALTIME
TIRTOS-1280 POSIX barrier broken on FreeRTOS
TIRTOS-1199 Example gcc makefiles are missing rts include path
TIRTOS-906 Add support for POSIX errno
TIDRIVERS-1314 DPL nortos MSP432P4 Timer overflow issue
TIDRIVERS-1309 PWMTimerMSP432 clobbers shared port pins
TIDRIVERS-1284 NoRTOS SemaphoreP_post can permanently disable power policy
TIDRIVERS-1272 Update MSP432P4 SPI driver phase and polarity settings to align with other SimpleLink device drivers (see Upgrade/compatibility section for more details)
TIDRIVERS-1260 NVS post verify always fails
TIDRIVERS-1225 NVS drivers pre-erase 2 sectors when write is equal to sector size
TIDRIVERS-1090 Add support for all valid input clockSources to MSP432P4 ADCBuf driver (see clockSource in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-724 SPI drivers should set transaction status
MSP432SDK-193 Update supported devices name in Release Notes