Change Log

New Features

JIRA Description
TIRTOS-1318 Update Power Management User’s Guide describing enhancements for MSP432P4
TIRTOS-1312 Update POSIX pthread support to show ‘fxn’ in UIA execution graph
TIRTOS-1285 Enable FreeRTOS re-entrancy support for GNU targets (use newlib-nano)
TIRTOS-1281 Include FatFS examples for NoRTOS
TIRTOS-1032 POSIX header files should be binary compatibile for TIRTOS and FreeRTOS
TIDRIVERS-1280 UART drivers should have error function in HwAttrs
TIDRIVERS-1183 Improve RAM footprint of No-RTOS HwiP dispatch table
TIDRIVERS-1100 Add support in MSP432P4 ADCBuf Driver for ULTRA LOW POWER MODE using the ADCBuf_control API
TIDRIVERS-1073 Add support for Differential Mode to MSP432P4 ADCBuf driver (see adcInputMode in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-1071 MSP432P4 ADCBuf Driver defaults to only first sample triggered by Timer Trigger
TIDRIVERS-1061 Add DMA option to MSP432P4 ADCBuf driver (see useDMA in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-1059 Add crystal and alternate clock source support to PowerMSP432 driver
TIDRIVERS-856 Add support in MSP432P4 ADCBuf Driver for Internal Sources - Battery Monitor and Temperature Sensor (see adcInternalSource in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-704 Convert SDSPI implementations to use SDFatFS interface
MSP432SDK-165 Update MSP432P4 Driverlib and Register Level examples to demonstrate how to achieve lower power numbers

Bugs Resolved

JIRA Description
TIRTOS-1345 Timed functions expecting abstime on CLOCK_REALTIME are broken
TIRTOS-1282 FreeRTOS POSIX clock should support CLOCK_REALTIME
TIRTOS-1280 POSIX barrier broken on FreeRTOS
TIRTOS-1199 Example gcc makefiles are missing rts include path
TIRTOS-906 Add support for POSIX errno
TIDRIVERS-1314 DPL nortos MSP432P4 Timer overflow issue
TIDRIVERS-1309 PWMTimerMSP432 clobbers shared port pins
TIDRIVERS-1284 NoRTOS SemaphoreP_post can permanently disable power policy
TIDRIVERS-1272 Update MSP432P4 SPI driver phase and polarity settings to align with other SimpleLink device drivers (see Upgrade/compatibility section for more details)
TIDRIVERS-1260 NVS post verify always fails
TIDRIVERS-1225 NVS drivers pre-erase 2 sectors when write is equal to sector size
TIDRIVERS-1090 Add support for all valid input clockSources to MSP432P4 ADCBuf driver (see clockSource in ADCBufMSP432_HWAttrs for more details)
TIDRIVERS-724 SPI drivers should set transaction status
MSP432SDK-193 Update supported devices name in Release Notes