Release Notes

Table of Contents


This is a GA release of the Core SDK for MSP432 devices.


Open the documentation overview web page file in the SDK’s Doc folder for a full list of documentation.

What’s New in 3.20.0x

New Features in 3.20.02


Bugs Resolved in 3.20.02

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-1136 NoRTOS SemaphoreP_pend should use local ClockP structure

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release breaks compatibility with previous releases of the Core SDK in the following ways:

Host Support

See the SDK release notes for a description of which host operating systems are supported in this release.


See the SDK release notes for a description of which components and tools are required to work with this product.

Device Support

See the SDK release notes for a list of TI devices that are supported in this product.

Validation Information

The Core SDK was validated with the following components:

Known Issues

ID Summary
TIRTOS-751 CCS does not import config project if a different version's config project is present
TIRTOS-476 POSIX threads render as single task in execution graph
TIDRIVERS-1088 NOLOAD directive in GNU linker script bug cause NVS FLASH buffer to get initialized


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

Prior Release Changes

Core SDK 3.20.00 (Jun 05 2017)

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1066 Set configUSE_TIME_SLICING to ‘0’ in all FreeRTOSConfig.h files
TIRTOS-1056 Remove spiloopback4wiremode example
TIRTOS-1036 Supply Portable example with native RTOS APIs
TIRTOS-1009 Add examples for NVS for internal and external SPI FLASH when available
TIRTOS-991 Optimize DPL for size
TIRTOS-988 Provide all single-task driver examples also for Non-RTOS
TIRTOS-952 MSP432 GCC startup files require define from GCC standard libraries
TIRTOS-948 pthread_cond_timedwait should support CLOCK_MONOTONIC
TIRTOS-644 Redundant FreeRTOS C stack definitions
TIRTOS-615 Create example for UARTMon module
TIDRIVERS-1008 Need Posix sleep and usleep for NoRTOS
TIDRIVERS-971 Provide NVS driver for SPI FLASH
TIDRIVERS-916 Board.html should specify pin functions for communication buses
TIDRIVERS-900 Various driver pin encodings need to be explained better
TIDRIVERS-891 Rename ADC_convertRawToMicroVolts to ADC_convertToMicroVolts
TIDRIVERS-887 Capture Driver top level implementation review and fix
TIDRIVERS-884 MSP432 TI Driver SPI 4 wire example update
TIDRIVERS-881 Construct and destruct APIs for DPL
TIDRIVERS-488 Review TI-RTOS SemaphoreP implementation with goal to reduce stack usage

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1031 FreeRTOS mq_getattr() should not disable scheduler
TIRTOS-1027 i2cmsp432 does not work if write/read on same transaction
TIRTOS-1012 MSP432 linker files must ALIAS SRAM_CODE & SRAM_DATA
TIRTOS-954 Update ADC examples to show microvolt values
TIRTOS-936 TI-RTOS examples suppress ULP warnings
TIDRIVERS-1077 TimerMSP432 bug fixes (update Timer_getCount() and Timer_start())
TIDRIVERS-1062 MSP432 Timer_open should check registers to see if timer is already in use
TIDRIVERS-1054 Correct the IEEE RX command definition
TIDRIVERS-1027 SemaphoreP_pend for FreeRTOS does not work with tick rate less than 1 msec
TIDRIVERS-1014 PWMMSP432 setPeriod() bug
TIDRIVERS-1013 FreeRTOS posix mqueue.h mode_t needs to be uint32_t
TIDRIVERS-1005 SemaphoreP_Params_init() should set mode to COUNTING
TIDRIVERS-960 ADC14 single driver, ADCMSP432.c only supports performance levels 0 and 1
TIDRIVERS-934 Timeouts for Posix FreeRTOS need to handle wrapping
TIDRIVERS-929 PowerMSP432.c has non-MAP_ function calls

Core SDK 3.10.02 (Mar 1 2017)

New Features


Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-992 FreeRTOS POSIX mq_send and mq_receive should be callable from ISR context

Core SDK 3.10.01 (Feb 24 2017)

New Features


Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-984 Update imports.mak to match components in CCSv7.1 GA
TIRTOS-982 Code built on MSP432 DriverLib will run DriverLib out of flash memory instead of ROM

Core SDK 3.10.00 (Feb 15 2017)

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-946 Release.cfg should use policyMin instead of policySpin
TIRTOS-925 IAR Examples.html should reference .eww and not .ipcf files any longer
TIRTOS-849 Capture example needs to be replaced by CapturePWM
TIRTOS-842 Need Mailbox example in the product
TIRTOS-750 The CoreSDK is carrying around unnecessary files/directories

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-945 pthread_setschedparam not supported in Freertos POSIX
TIRTOS-933 CCS platform warning with TI-RTOS examples
TIRTOS-903 Inconsistent declaration for timer_create, TI-RTOS and FreeRTOS
TIRTOS-900 Display driver not printing float values
TIRTOS-897 Makefile for FreeRTOS kernel has bad error message if FREERTOS_INSTALL_DIR is not set
TIRTOS-891 RTOS build in IAR should be an .ewp and preferably a dependent project like in CCS
TIRTOS-785 Board_ADCBUFCHANNEL0 should be changed to Board_ADCBUF0CHANNEL0 for consistency
TIRTOS-776 Posix usleep() function implemented in millisecond and not in microseconds
TIRTOS-749 C++ constructors on FreeRTOS with GCC are not called
TIRTOS-709 RTOS config projects are available only in makefile for IAR
TIRTOS-415 IAR tools must be installed in non-default location to work with gmake
TIDRIVERS-890 exit() support is missing in gcc libraries for FreeRTOS
TIDRIVERS-837 FreeRTOS Posix timer APIs need to check if in an ISR
TIDRIVERS-745 Change reverse() in source\ti\mw\lcd\SharpGrLib.c to SharpGrLib_reverse()

Core SDK 3.01.01 (Dec 9 2016)

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-838 Update the IAR/Arm compiler tools to version 7.80.x
TIRTOS-832 kernel examples should get stack size from linker.cmd files like driver examples
TIRTOS-821 remove ‘eclipse’ directory from the product, CCSv7 needs only .metadata folder

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-814 Update primary_heap size logic in TI and GCC linker .cmd files
TIRTOS-606 Makefiles should support tools directory names that contain spaces
TIDRIVERS-796 Display_getType compile error for Display_DISABLE_ALL

Core SDK 3.01.00 (Nov 9 2016)

New Features

ID Summary
TIRTOS-759 Update TI tools to 16.9.0 to be ready for CCSv7.0
TIRTOS-756 Update examples to use Display_printf instead of print0, etc.
TIRTOS-745 Display_Type_UART should disable RX to allow power savings
TIRTOS-705 Power Management doc needs updating for CoreSDK
TIRTOS-543 Update all Drivers examples with Display module usage as necessary
TIRTOS-248 Move TI-RTOS driver documentation out of the user guide and into doxygen
TIDRIVERS-738 Deprecate ti.drivers.Config as apps should supply libs on command line
TIDRIVERS-735 Remove instrumented driver libraries and provide only release libraries
TIDRIVERS-601 Update Power APIs for MISRA compliance
TIDRIVERS-569 Update UART Display driver to function like an LCD

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
TIRTOS-552 Spiloopback example master/slave needs synchronization