TI 15.4-Stack Release Notes

Table of Contents


TI 15.4-Stack is an IEEE 802.15.4-based software stack part of the SimpleLink CC26X2 SDK that supports a Star network topology for 2.4GHz applications. TI 15.4-Stack software runs on TI’s SimpleLink™ 2.4GHz wireless microcontrollers, including the CC2652. TI 15.4-Stack provides a complete end-to-end wireless application development solution to reduce time and cost of getting your product to market quickly.


What’s New

Fixed Issues

Known Issues

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Operating System Support

The TI 15.4-Stack is supported on the Microsoft Windows®7 SP1 or later build platform


TI 15.4-Stack was built & tested on a Windows host platform using the following Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and components. Using an IDE version or TI-RTOS version not listed below may result in compatibility issues with this SDK release.

Device Support

Development Board Support


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates