TI BLE5-Stack Release Notes

Table of Contents


The BLE5-Stack is a set of sample applications, tools, APIs and protocol stack libraries that enable engineers to develop Bluetooth ® 5 standalone or network processor LE applications on the SimpleLink™ CC2640R2 Bluetooth low energy (BLE) wireless MCU. This Bluetooth 5 (BLE5-Stack) release includes support to enable development of applications using the following Bluetooth 5 LE features: High Speed, Long Range (LE Coded PHYs), Advertisement Extensions as well as all existing Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 LE features.

As with all Bluetooth core specifications that support the low energy (LE) feature, devices implementing the LE feature of Bluetooth 5 are backward compatible with Bluetooth 4.2, 4.1 and 4.0 LE capable devices.

BLE5-Stack is an updated evaluation, non-production release for the CC2640R2 wireless MCU.

Key features of BLE5-Stack :

Additional information about TI’s Bluetooth low energy solutions can be found at www.ti.com/ble

BLE5-Stack Documentation

The SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK allows easier product development by combining TI-RTOS and the BLE protocol stack in one unified SDK. All BLE5-Stack sample applications are based off the TI-RTOS Kernel. Key documents needed for BLE application development include:

Installation and Usage

What’s New

ID Summary
BLESTACK-3899 Updated two-button menu to permit long range connectivity testing using simple_central and simple_peripheral sample applications running on the CC2640R2 LaunchPad™
BLESTACK-3898 Added ability to automatically select a PHY based on RSSI reports
BLESTACK-3897 Updated HCI Vendor Specific APIs to match updated GAP APIs. Previous versions of BTool are not supported
BLESTACK-3895 GAPRole task has been deprecated with related functionality moved to the application task
BLESTACK-3894 Major update to GAP Advertising, Scanning and Connection Management APIs to permit greater flexibility and memory utilization
BLESTACK-3893 Bluetooth 5 feature support for Long Range (LE Coded PHY) and Advertisement Extensions to permit establishing BLE connections on the LE Coded PHYs as well as broadcasting larger payloads using extended advertisements

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
BLESTACK-3839 When using large AE data payloads, out-of-heap memory conditions may result in undefined operating conditions
BLESTACK-3832 Added support for GapAdv HCI Vendor Specific Commands to BTool
BLESTACK-3831 Random issues when SCAN_RSP payload is greater than 242 Bytes
BLESTACK-3830 Fixed issue where multiple advertisement sets were not supported during a connection
BLESTACK-3829 Added missing vendor specific modem test commands
BLESTACK-3826 Devices acting as a master will not accept devices with unresolvable Resolvable Private Addresses (RPA)
BLESTACK-3438 Scanning multiple PHYs is not supported
BLESTACK-3436 Privacy on AE is not supported
BLESTACK-2743 BLE5 Simple Peripheral fails to connect to Samsung Galaxy S7
BLESTACK-2620 No response after two GapAdv_loadData calls with 300 byte payload
BLESTACK-2544 Scan duration does not expire while scanning in an active connection
BLESTACK-2435 Link Layer Connection Parameters Request Procedure may not work with some smart phone devices
BLESTACK-2359 RTOS Object Viewer (ROV) in IAR is not available when using autosized heap configuration
BLESTACK-1967 HostTest does not support the Observer- or Broadcaster-only build configuration
BLESTACK-1358 BTool: Responses to connection parameter updates must manually sent within 30 seconds using HCI_LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply under the Adv.Commands -> HCI menu

Known Issues and Limitations

ID Summary
BLESTACK-3877 Maximum supported number of concurrent BLE connections: 2 (embedded sample applications), and 3 (Host Test).Additional connections can be supported when using Cache-As-RAM
BLESTACK-3834 Periodic advertisements are not supported
BLESTACK-3685 Number of simultaneous connections may be limited when attempting concurrent LE Secure Connections pairings
BLESTACK-3678 Host test peripheral + central build is not supported
BLESTACK-2711 Issue when Scanning for extended advertisements using the 2M PHY

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The BLE5-Stack introduces new BLE API which breaks compatibility with BLE5-Stack 1.0.x and earlier BLE-Stack releases. Refer to the included porting guide for migrating applications developed with prior TI BLE protocol stack versions.

Operating System Support


The BLE5-Stack sample applications were built & tested with the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and listed in the top-level SDK release notes.

Note: Earlier IDE/toolchain versions are not supported and compatibility with newer versions of supported IDEs is not assured.

Device Support

This release supports single-mode Bluetooth LE on the wireless MCUs listed in the top-level SDK release notes

Development Board Support

This release supports Bluetooth low energy application development on the CC2640R2 LaunchPad


The BLE5-Stack sample applications were built & tested with versions of the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and tool chains listed in the top-level SDK release notes:

This release is for development purposes only. Refer to the TI BLE Wiki How to certify your product page for details regarding Bluetooth certification.


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates