Change Log for SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK

Table of Contents


New Features


ID Summary
BLESTACK-3899 Updated two-button menu to permit long range connectivity testing using simple_central and simple_peripheral sample applications running on the CC2640R2 LaunchPad™
BLESTACK-3898 Added ability to automatically select a PHY based on RSSI reports
BLESTACK-3897 Updated HCI Vendor Specific APIs to match updated GAP APIs. Previous versions of BTool are not supported
BLESTACK-3895 GAPRole task has been deprecated with related functionality moved to the application task
BLESTACK-3894 Major update to GAP Advertising, Scanning and Connection Management APIs to permit greater flexibility and memory utilization
BLESTACK-3893 Bluetooth 5 feature support for Long Range (LE Coded PHY) and Advertisement Extensions to permit establishing BLE connections on the LE Coded PHYs as well as broadcasting larger payloads using extended advertisements


ID Summary
BLESTACK-3887 OAD: Support for secured OAD procedure
BLESTACK-3886 New Localization Feature: Time-of-Flight (ToF) Example Application
BLESTACK-3885 New Localization Feature: Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) Example Application
BLESTACK-2394 Update on-chip & off-chip BIM project to expose sign-verify API to OAD application
BLESTACK-2377 OAD On-chip Security
BLESTACK-2157 OAD Header Security

TI Proprietary-RF

ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-344 Enable whitening for SLR mode
EZLINKPROP-333 Replace all CC13XX_LAUNCHXL_BOARD_H with new board definitions
EZLINKPROP-323 Update termination reasons for rfPacktTx and rfPacketRx examples
EZLINKPROP-314 CC1352P-2: Create baseline set of examples for P-2
EZLINKPROP-299 Proprietary 2.4GHz support in EasyLink examples for CC2640R2
EZLINKPROP-290 Increase concentrator Ack delay
EZLINKPROP-280 Proprietary RF EasyLink support 433MHz band on CC1352P-4
EZLINKPROP-277 EasyLink WSN project using SLR mode for OAD on CC13x2

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1493 Add ENFILE to errno
TIRTOS-1481 Add examples for CC1352P-2_ LAUNCHXL LaunchPad
TIRTOS-1480 Add examples for CC1352P-4_ LAUNCHXL LaunchPad
TIRTOS-1479 Add board files for CC1352P-2 LaunchPad
TIRTOS-1474 Add board files for CC1352P - 433 MHz (China band) Launchpad in Core SDK
TIDRIVERS-1572 Add CC1352P-2 LP board file
TIDRIVERS-1547 WatchdogCC26XX: Update documentation to clarify which context the callback is called in
TIDRIVERS-1483 remove ti/mw directory from the Core SDK product (stale and unused)
TIDRIVERS-1463 Avoid context switches in CC26X2 AESCCM, AESECB, SHA2 polling return behaviour
TIDRIVERS-1461 Improve CC26X2 AESCCM, AESECB, SHA2 error handling
TIDRIVERS-1448 Add support for 8kHz PCM sampling rate
TIDRIVERS-1445 EC-JPAKE preprocess hash mod n for easier Thread integration
TIDRIVERS-1427 CC26XX power constraints have inconsistent names
TIDRIVERS-1403 Check CryptoSem inside CryptoCC26XX_init()
TIDRIVERS-1347 Refactor PowerCC26X2_calibrateRCOSC.c to make use of SCLKMF
TIDRIVERS-1313 Need board file and linker files for CC1352P 433MHz LP
TIDRIVERS-1229 Create generic TRNG driver


Fixed Issues


ID Summary
BLESTACK-3839 When using large AE data payloads, out-of-heap memory conditions may result in undefined operating conditions
BLESTACK-3832 BTool does not support GapAdv HCI Vendor Specific commands
BLESTACK-3831 Random issues when SCAN_RSP payload is greater than 242 Bytes
BLESTACK-3830 Multiple advertisement sets not supported during a connection
BLESTACK-3829 Vendor specific modem test commands are not supported
BLESTACK-3826 Devices acting as a master will not accept devices with unresolvable Resolvable Private Addresses (RPA)
BLESTACK-3438 Scanning multiple PHYs is not supported
BLESTACK-3436 Privacy on AE is not supported
BLESTACK-2743 BLE5 Simple Peripheral fails to connect to Samsung Galaxy S7
BLESTACK-2620 No response after two GapAdv_loadData calls with 300 byte payload
BLESTACK-2544 Scan duration does not expire while scanning in an active connection
BLESTACK-2435 Link Layer Connection Parameters Request Procedure is disabled on most peripheral applications to improve connection parameter request compatibility with smart phone devices. L2CAP LE Signaling will be used instead.
BLESTACK-2359 RTOS Object Viewer (ROV) in IAR is not available when using autosized heap configuration
BLESTACK-1967 HostTest does not support the Observer- or Broadcaster-only build configuration
BLESTACK-1358 BTool: Responses to connection parameter updates must manually sent within 30 seconds using HCI_LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply under the Adv.Commands -> HCI menu


ID Summary
BLESTACK-2830 [Clone ble_3_x]Privacy 1.2: Proposed Handling of Unknown RPA (aka “iPhone Issue”)
BLESTACK-2535 [Clone for ble_3_x] GATT Write procedure may incorrectly return insufficient authentication
BLESTACK-2443 [Clone for ble_3_x] Scan isn’t started during a connection
BLESTACK-2401 Non Connectable Advertisements can not be done @ sub-100ms intervals while in a connection
BLESTACK-2358 ROV broken with new HeapMgr
BLESTACK-2257 Simple Peripheral device fails to pair and bond out of the box with a central device

TI Proprietary-RF

ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-369 PER: High Speed Mode Throughput drops precipitously for 254 byte transmissions
EZLINKPROP-348 Easylink init should exclude devices from phy modes it does not support
EZLINKPROP-337 rfEasyLinkRx does not work when using optimization -Os with GCC
EZLINKPROP-308 Missing Ack over air from Concentrator in SLR mode.
EZLINKPROP-298 Change pastTrig when triggertype is TRIG_NOW in rfPacketTX
EZLINKPROP-292 EasyLink WSN: Source code output path and chip name are incorrect
EZLINKPROP-266 rfWakeonRadio examples does not work for high datarates
EZLINKPROP-233 oad_protocol.h have all pointers wrongly named

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1508 Align default pthread stack size for all kernels
TIRTOS-1436 Thread handle set too late in pthread_create() [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1433 Clock period ignored when calling ClockP_create() [FreeRTOS]
TIRTOS-1432 Clock start flag and period are ignored when calling ClockP_create()
TIRTOS-1429 Deadlock risk in _pthread_removeThreadKeys() [SYS/BIOS]
TIRTOS-789 Move cc13xx/26xx ‘ti/mw’ components
TIDRIVERS-1626 Race condition in PowerCC26X2_calibrateRCOSC
TIDRIVERS-1565 ClockP_create() for FreeRTOS does not support a period of 0
TIDRIVERS-1485 The scheduler cannot be called from inside a HwiP_disable in a task context
TIDRIVERS-1476 ADCBufCC26XX: Update “Not Supported Functionality” documentation
TIDRIVERS-1462 Documentation of adcbuf driver:ADCBufCC26XX_ParamsExtension
TIDRIVERS-1452 CC2640R2 JTAG TCK noise workaround non-functional with SCLK_LF_HFD
TIDRIVERS-1441 ClockP_usleep() for FreeRTOS calculates delay incorrectly
TIDRIVERS-1274 Backgrounded IEEE commands not receiving events they requested


Known Issues and Limitations


ID Summary
BLESTACK-3877 Maximum supported number of concurrent BLE connections: 2 (embedded sample applications), and 3 (Host Test).Additional connections can be supported when using Cache-As-RAM
BLESTACK-3834 Periodic advertisements are not supported
BLESTACK-3685 Number of simultaneous connections may be limited when attempting concurrent LE Secure Connections pairings
BLESTACK-3678 Host test peripheral + central build fails due to flash size
BLESTACK-2711 Issue when Scanning for extended advertisements using the 2M PHY


ID Summary
BLESTACK-3642 Some BLE API doxygen links might not be functional
BLESTACK-3641 L2CAP Connection Oriented Channels are not available in multi-role configurations
BLESTACK-3640 Number of simultaneous connections may be limited when attempting concurrent LE Secure Connections pairings
BLESTACK-3604 IAR BLE simple peripheral project drops BLE connection within ~40 seconds using a Samsung S6 with OS v7.0
BLESTACK-3580 Multiple connections and many Update Parameter Requests may cause disconnections
BLESTACK-3246 Failure to send Terminate Ind when Update Param Request is pending
BLESTACK-3219 Peripheral+Observer configuration in Simple Peripheral App does not include some fixes
BLESTACK-2760 In rare cases, the GAP state of the Peripheral is set to advertising without any actual packets being sent
BLESTACK-2706 Multi-role incorrectly sets gapRole_AdvEnabled when enabling non-connectable advertisements.
BLESTACK-2453 Link Layer Connection Parameters Request Procedure may not work with some smart phone devices.

TI Proprietary-RF

ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-476 POSIX threads render as single task in execution graph