Simple Peripheral Secure Firmware

Table of Contents


The simple_peripheral project implements a simple Bluetooth low energy peripheral device with GATT services and demonstrates the TI Simple Profile. This project can be a framework for developing many different peripheral-role applications. The Simple Peripheral project is used as the baseline for explaining the stack in the BLE-Stack User’s Guide for Bluetooth 4.2.

This project uses stack and app configurations that are summarized in the table below:

App Build Configuration Compatible Stack Configuration Description
FlashROM_StackLibrary FlashROM_Library Application build configuration linked to Stack library (fully executable)

FlashROM_Library configurations use the stack library configuration, which is explained here.

This document discusses the procedure for using secure firmware with the Simple Peripheral application when the FlashROM_StackLibrary configurations are used.

Hardware Prerequisites

The default Simple Peripheral configuration uses the LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2. This hardware configuration is shown in the below image:

For custom hardware, see the Running the SDK on Custom Boards section of the BLE-Stack User’s Guide for Bluetooth 4.2.

Software Prerequisites

For information on what versions of Code Composer Studio and IAR Embedded Workbench to use, see the Release Notes located in the docs/blestack folder. For information on how to import this project into your IDE workspace and build/run, please refer to The CC2640R2F Platform section in the BLE-Stack User’s Guide for Bluetooth 4.2.

The following projects/scripts from the SDK are used for the secure firmware demo:

Out of box demo

  1. Build simple_peripheral_secure_fw to generate the application .bin file.
  2. Either copy private key file in PEM format to the folder where the exists or provide path to private key file using the handle -p in the arguments for the to generate secure bin file. See PEM File Generation for more info.
  3. Use with the path to the above generated .bin file (see instructions in Secure Firmware Generation) to generate the secure bin file. (ble_simple_peripheral_secure_fw_cc2640r2lp_app.bin is the name of the .bin file generated on running the script out of the box)
  4. Flash the secure bin file to the device using SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 at address 0x00000000.
  5. Build secure_fw and program to device using SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 at address 0x0001F000.
  6. If verification is successful, device behaves similar to the simple_peripheral project with an additional “Image Verified” printed on the UART display on startup as shown below:
  7. If verification is unsuccessful, view the error code for the reason of the failure.

By default, SECURE_FW_ERASE_FLASH is set to false. The description of the error codes is listed below:

Code Error reason
0x01 Invalid magic word
0x02 Invalid firmware version (Currently not supported)
0x03 Invalid start/end address
0x04 Invalid length
0x05 Cert element not found
0x06 Verification failed
0x07 Self-verification failed (This feature is not supported currently)

Python Script Usage

The SDK includes a script( for generating the metadata required for the secure image. The user may also create another script to generate the private key as described in PEM File Generation.

Secure Firmware Generation

Usage: [-h] [-s STARTADDR] [-m MAGICWORD] [-b SECUREBIN] Inbin privateKey endAddr

Argument Description
Inbin Path to input application image in .bin format
privateKey Private key file in .pem format (see PEM File Generation)
endAddr End address of firmware
-h Show this help message and exit
-s [STARTADDR] Start address of firmware
-m [MAGICWORD] Magic word to identify start of image metadata
-b [SECUREBIN] Path to save secure bin file

Example: python < input bin file > < path to private key file in .pem format > < end address from map file > python ble_simple_peripheral_secure_fw_cc2640r2lp_app_FlashROM_StackLibrary.bin private.pem 0000fc44

where the end address points to an image from simple_peripheral_secure_fw project. The example above will use default parameters for rest of the optional arguments. Default values used out of the box for

End of firmware address points to the last address used by the firmware image. The end address can be determined from the simple_peripheral_secure_fw project map file as follows:

PEM File Generation

The following python code can be used to generate the private key in PEM file format that is needed by the script:

from ecdsa import NIST256p
from ecdsa import SigningKey
import binascii
import array

pk = '\x13\x98\x47\x85\x7b\x53\x01\xc2\x9a\x51\xbb\x8e\xf4\xaa\x25\x9a\x99\xed\x4b\x82\x64\x00\x50\x5c\x05\x0b\x46\xca\x78\xdb\x56\x0f'
sk = SigningKey.from_string(pk,curve=NIST256p)
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
print " Public Key " , binascii.hexlify(vk.to_string())