
Table of Contents


New Features


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-2966 [MESH] Added support for BLE Mesh
BLE_AGAMA-2958 Support Periodic Advertisement feature
BLE_AGAMA-2957 Support Connectionless AoA feature
BLE_AGAMA-2950 Scheduler Improvements - Connections Scheduling Fairness & Connection Priority Support
BLE_AGAMA-2817 Add Authenticated Pairing Only mode
BLE_AGAMA-1785 Expand multirole maximum number of connections to 16
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-958 [SPS] Limited Support for SysConfig Device/Board Migration Feature
EZLINKPROP-942 EasyLink to support CC2652 SIP module in SDK


ID Summary
TIOP-1000 Enable initial migration between boards for SysConfig

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3725 Limited Support for SysConfig Device/Board Migration Feature
TI154STACK-3682 Calculate Beacon Interval in SysConfig

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-1095 CC2652RSIP Sysconfig Device/Board Migration Support


ID Summary
DMM-1060 Update the name DMMPolicy_updateStackState() API to DMMPolicy_updateApplicationState()
DMM-1059 Update the name of DMMPolicy_StackRole_reservedx() API to DMMPolicy_StackRole_customx()
DMM-1052 Support TI Clang Compiler for DMM Examples

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-2064 Add RPC framework to enable 2-chip solutions

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-323 Make RF temperature compensation generic (SIP, HPOSC, custom calibration)
RFCORE-642 [HID fast mode]: Added support for HID Fast Mode RF commands
RFCORE-697 Create new multimode CPE patch containing HID Fast Mode Commands
RFCORE-686 Agama: Release WMBUS C,T,S mode patch update
SRFSTUDIO-2882 SYSCFG: Add support for cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7
SRFSTUDIO-2906 Add proprietary settings (100 kbps GFSK, 250 kbps GFSK) for SIP
SRFSTUDIO-2908 Add Agama 704 pre-silicon IEEE 802.15.4 settings
SRFSTUDIO-2907 Add characterized WMBUS settings


Fixed Issues


ID Summary
SCCM-64 Corrected the security payload offset calculation in the image header for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-63 Enforced the program entry address to be within the OAD image range for On-Chip and Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-62 Corrected the input parameter size for hash calculation to 32-bit for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-61 Add protections against zero image length and zero hash value for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-60 Enabled authentication of the persistent application image type for On-Chip OAD
BLE_AGAMA-2887 Enabling co-ex for host test causes ICall_abort
BLE_AGAMA-2802 Update persistent app projects to allow for authentication
BLE_AGAMA-2732 Connection dropped with two Android master devices where second continuously reconnects
BLE_AGAMA-2715 Invalid Adv Handle Returned by function llDmmSetThreshold
BLE_AGAMA-2638 [AoA - PHY tests] The LE Test packet interval in LE Direct Test Mode is not spec compliant
BLE_AGAMA-2636 [AoA - PHY tests] The IQ reports stops being sent by the device
BLE_AGAMA-2635 [AoA - PHY tests] The Tx tests fail if payload length less to 38 bytes
BLE_AGAMA-2615 Unable to re-start advertisement with multi role when connected to another Peripheral and using filter accept list
BLE_AGAMA-2613 Fixed issue where file ti_ble_config.h always includes simple_gatt_profile
BLE_AGAMA-2546 [GATT Builder] No error raised if several Callback functions have the same name
BLE_AGAMA-2513 Device stops advertising when more than 5 connections are present
BLE_AGAMA-2500 Under certain conditions, device becomes unresponsive after receiving connection request
BLE_AGAMA-2497 Fixed buffer overflow bug in the OAD implementation
BLE_AGAMA-2479 Fixed comments in ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NOTI definition (att.h)
BLE_AGAMA-2344 Occasional duplicate advertisement on the same channel
BLE_AGAMA-2061 [Stability] Simple Peripheral fails to maintain more than 2 connections for more than 3H
BLE_AGAMA-1674 Added API descriptions for items in out-of-band (OOB) pairing
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-987 PER is not displayed for rtos GCC


ID Summary
SCCM-64 Corrected the security payload offset calculation in the image header for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-63 Enforced the program entry address to be within the OAD image range for On-Chip and Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-62 Corrected the input parameter size for hash calculation to 32-bit for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-61 Add protections against zero image length and zero hash value for Off-Chip OAD

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3693 Collector only tracking first sensor and unable to disassociate second sensor after reset
TI154STACK-3665 MAC acknowledges data frame with dst addrmode of 0 even when not the PAN coordinator
TI154STACK-3646 Device fails to transmit ACK after first coordinator realignment message
SCCM-64 Corrected the security payload offset calculation in the image header for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-63 Enforced the program entry address to be within the OAD image range for On-Chip and Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-62 Corrected the input parameter size for hash calculation to 32-bit for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-61 Add protections against zero image length and zero hash value for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-60 Enabled authentication of the persistent application image type for On-Chip OAD

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-1172 NPI memory leak from buffer deallocation order
ZIGBEE-1167 Routing devices force link down to neighbors on first failed attempt at forwarding packet without nwk retries
ZIGBEE-1159 Network Update Request processing does not account for nwkUpdateID wraparound
ZIGBEE-1122 Changing MAC Frame Retries in sysconfig does not change number of MAC retries
ZIGBEE-1066 Unicast Network Status command does not append correct extended destination address
ZIGBEE-1043 Incoming application payload larger than 255 bytes is truncated
ZIGBEE-1040 ZNP acting as a ZED cannot set rx-on-idle configuration during run-time
ZIGBEE-1012 Possible memory corruption from parsing malformed Touchlink / Zigbee Light Link commands
ZIGBEE-1011 Possible memory corruption from parsing malformed ZCL Foundation commands
ZIGBEE-1010 Touchlink Target does not use Network Update ID of new network
ZIGBEE-993 Unable to turn off route expiry time
ZIGBEE-962 MAC_MCPS_DATA_CNF messages incorrectly parsed from inter-pan data requests
ZIGBEE-851 Touchlink commissioning does not automatically initiate finding and binding


ID Summary
SCCM-64 Corrected the security payload offset calculation in the image header for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-63 Enforced the program entry address to be within the OAD image range for On-Chip and Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-62 Corrected the input parameter size for hash calculation to 32-bit for Off-Chip OAD
SCCM-61 Add protections against zero image length and zero hash value for Off-Chip OAD
DMM-1042 Make DMM headers C++ friendly by adding extern “C” in case C++ is defined

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-2115 TI POSIX Integer Overflow issue
TIDRIVERS-4799 CC13X2_CC26X2 NoRTOS startup file uses incorrect vector table size
TIDRIVERS-4787 PINCC26XX shall not update PORTID bits when updating IOCFG register
TIDRIVERS-4737 SHA2 segmented hashing produces incorrect results for SHA224 or SHA384
TIDRIVERS-4173 I2S driver uses incorrect number of SCK cycles in DSP mode

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-472 RF Driver RFCC26XX_schedulerPolicy weak definition fails to link in strong symbol counterpart for TICLANG DMM
RFCORE-682 [Connectionless AoA]: Fix issues with receiving short(<16usec) CTE tones
SRFSTUDIO-2904 SYSCFG: Missing custom 868 MHz band setting for CC1352P7
SRFSTUDIO-2893 SYSCFG: Change to CC2652P/CC2652RB device name
SRFSTUDIO-2883 SYSCFG: 169 MHz PHY shows wrong symbol rate in UI


Known Issues


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-2961 [MESH] Mesh solution is not qualified
BLE_AGAMA-2947 [MESH] Simple Mesh Node + Peripheral examples don't support proxy service & Provisioning over GATT
BLE_AGAMA-2917 [Build] Persistent Application failed to compile in debug configuration due to memory limitation with all platforms
BLE_AGAMA-2914 [MESH] BLE Mesh Examples do not have TICLANG Support
BLE_AGAMA-2913 [MESH] IAR Bluetooth LE Mesh examples have a few compilation warnings
BLE_AGAMA-2845 [CLAOA] Scanner shows only one IQ report when advertiser sends multiple CTE in one periodic train with 2M PHY
BLE_AGAMA-2266 Central not able to find peer device advertising Extended ADV with aux offset bigger than 16.3ms
BLE_AGAMA-2245 [Simple Peripheral] Number of connections shows zero after a connection if the previous connections were unsuccessful
BLE_AGAMA-2094 [GATT Builder] Missing characteristics attributes (Indication, Primary/Secondary, Authentication/Authorization)
BLE_AGAMA-2033 [RTLS] Passive Application is not functioning well in Debug configuration. WA: Change the optimization in Debug configuration to High (as in Release)
BLE_AGAMA-2010 [Multi-Sensor] Updating Report Interval Have no effect
BLE_AGAMA-1970 [Multi-Sensor] Some of the Multi Sensor services fail to initiate or open when loading up
BLE_AGAMA-1675 IOP: Device fails to pair with Meizu Pro 7
BLE_AGAMA-1652 [RTLS] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the passive node sometimes fails to track some of the connections.
BLE_AGAMA-1435 [Multi-Sensor] Accelerometer Service Disappears After First Connection
BLE_AGAMA-1416 OAD offchip examples needs additional reset to load Factory Image
BLE_AGAMA-546 Central applications do not receive timeout when connection fails
BLE_AGAMA-139 When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection
BLE_AGAMA-80 The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases.
ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
TIOP-954 Thermostat attempts to promote to leader and form separate partition during reliability test
TIOP-953 IAR OAD image does not reboot upon a successful OAD transfer

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3736 In OAD projects CCFG settings must be configured in BIM project as SysConfig Device Configuration settings are not used

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-4844 Implement restrictions in errata note IOC_01 in SysConfig
TIDRIVERS-4801 SPI MOSI line may periodically tri-state between transmissions at higher temperatures
TIDRIVERS-4127 ADCBuf causes jitter when switching clock sources
TIDRIVERS-1642 NVSSPI25x driver does not work when using internal SPI CS

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
None None