Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer

Install the Required Software

Download and install the following software:


Download SmartRF Protocol Packet Sniffer and SmartRF Flash Programmer, not SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 and SmartRF Flash Programmer 2.

Required Hardware

It is recommended to use the CC2531 USB Dongle with Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer. The device comes pre-programmed with the packet sniffer firmware. However, if it is not programmed with the sniffer firmware, the CC-Debugger is required to flash the device.

The Cebal driver must be installed to use the CC-Debugger. The driver should already be installed if you have installed Flash Programmer. This can be verified by connecting a device to the debugger, opening up Flash Programmer, and observing the device showing up as connected.

Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer also provides the necessary files for installing the Cebal driver. The installation files are found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubilogix\Drivers\TI\, with cebal2.* files for 32-bit Windows and cebal2_x64.* files for 64-bit Windows. Depending on which Windows version you are using, refer to a corresponding guide for how to install Windows drivers.

Hardware Setup

Running the Packet Sniffer

  1. Connect the CC2531 USB Dongle.

  2. Start Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer.

  3. Select DeviceAdd Device, and choose the CC2531.

    Add a new sniffer device

    Figure 37. Add a new sniffer device

  4. Set the Default Protocol to Thread. Select ToolsOptions then select GeneralDefault Protocol Stack and set it to Thread.

    Ubiqua options

    Figure 38. Ubiqua options

    Select Thread protocol

    Figure 39. Select Thread protocol

  5. In options, select Security TabKeyChain. Click Add, then select type Thread Master Key. By default, the Thread Master Key for OpenThread is 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff. Click OK.

    Add Thread encryption keys

    Figure 40. Add Thread encryption keys

  6. Choose the Channel.

    CLI device:to choose the channel via the channel command.
    NCP device:is told via wpantund what channel to use via various configuration steps. See Linux Border Router Quick Start for more details.
    TI-OpenThread channel configuration

    Figure 41. TI-OpenThread channel configuration

    In Ubiqua, select DeviceChannel, and select the matching channel.

    Channel selection in Ubiqua

    Figure 42. Channel selection in Ubiqua

  7. Start a sniffer capture.

    In Ubiqua, select DeviceStart Device.

    Start sniffer capture in Ubiqua

    Figure 43. Start sniffer capture in Ubiqua

  8. If required, select ViewTraffic View (or other selections) to view activity.