
Table of Contents


New Features


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-1516 Add BLE OAD Example Apps to BAW Device
BLE_AGAMA-1515 Integrate the new PA table which includes (-3)dB steps into BLE stack
BLE_AGAMA-1512 Implement new method to support SimpleLink™ Angle of Arrival BoosterPack
BLE_AGAMA-1506 [RTLS] Add BLE Multiple connections support to RTLS Applications
BLE_AGAMA-1474 Add Multi Role Example Application to BAW Device
BLE_AGAMA-1471 Add support to configure Tx power in Adv. via Tx Power field in GapAdv_params_t
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-854 Change rfPacketErrorRate and rfEasyLinkNp examples sub-1GHz default mode TX power to 12.5 dBm for CC1352R and CC1352P-2
EZLINKPROP-853 [AGAMA] Add proprietary 2.4 GHz Support
EZLINKPROP-843 [AGAMA] Add CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL Support for EasyLink NP and PER examples
EZLINKPROP-840 [AGAMA] Add CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL Support to EasyLink OAD and WSN Examples
EZLINKPROP-839 [AGAMA] Add CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL Support to Basic EasyLink and RF Driver Examples
EZLINKPROP-832 [SYSCFG] Integrate CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL into EasyLink Module


ID Summary
TIOP-820 Enable temperature preempt for BAW from RFLib
TIOP-815 19Q4 Downstream from OpenThread
TIOP-733 Enable multi-page NV configuration in linker command script

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-2979 Enabled Turbo OAD Feature

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
None None

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-75 CC2652RB (BAW): Implement regular temperature compensation in RF driver
RFDRIVER-216 Documentation: Add top-level HTML file for opening API documentation
SRFSTUDIO-2510 SYSCFG: Add support for 2.4GHz proprietary mode on CC1352R/CC1352P/CC2652P
SRFSTUDIO-2489 SYSCFG: Add support for application specific overrides
SRFSTUDIO-2488 SYSCFG: Add support for stack specific overrides
SRFSTUDIO-2478 SYSCFG: Move RadioConfig to name-space /ti/devices
SRFSTUDIO-2529 SYSCFG: Integrate characterized CC2652RB BLE settings
SRFSTUDIO-2524 SYSCFG: CC13x2/CC26x2: Integrate 3-dB steps for 2.4 GHz PA table below 0 dBm
SRFSTUDIO-2525 CC13x2/CC26x2 BLE: Integrate BLE Q1 (Automotive) PHY settings
SRFSTUDIO-2494 SYSCFG: Prevent more than one PHY from using Legacy mode code generation


Fixed Issues


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-1566 [PSIRT-34] Unexpected pairing package causes responder crash
BLE_AGAMA-1553 When initiating and extended directed advertiser is not changing the target RPA connection is failed to be established
BLE_AGAMA-1463 Support RPA in Project Zero
BLE_AGAMA-1458 CC1352-P2 fails to enable legacy advertise command when channel 37 is not included in the channel map
BLE_AGAMA-1445 Example failed to load when configured to non-default power level in the advertisement sets
BLE_AGAMA-1437 [RTLS] Angle performance is not stable when antenna array 2 is used
BLE_AGAMA-1432 [RTLS] Configuration of slot_duration=1 is not supported in AoA
BLE_AGAMA-1411 [TOF] ToF Master/Slave may go out of sync when RSSI is below -60
BLE_AGAMA-1380 Wrong channel is reported back after a channel map indication
BLE_AGAMA-1143 fastTx - Sending data after connection update causes connection termination
BLE_AGAMA-740 GAP_EVT_ADV_REPORT not received during continuous scanning after supervision timeout (disconnect) occur on a single connected slave.
BLE_AGAMA-723 No L2CAP connection parameter update request sent when peer device does not support LL.
ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
TIOP-807 Fixed TTOAD Linux out of box compile with OpenThread Border Router
TIOP-798 Repeated solicit traffic when the same device starts DHCPv6 server and client

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3285 Fixed multipage NV bug in data migration from NVOCTP to NVOCMP when NVOCTP is completely Full with Valid data
TI154STACK-3261 Fixed high power consumption post orphan until re-join in beacon mode
TI154STACK-3151 Fixed FH sleepy end device not rejoining network until permit join is enabled post reset

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-636 CC2652RB ZED performs rejoin during high temperature changes from long calibration timing
ZIGBEE-633 Routers reject Trust Center rejoins
ZIGBEE-625 TouchLink target node stack overflow during app “Discovery” mode
ZIGBEE-621 AddrMgr NV entry can be corrupted if parent is restart after ZED switches parent devices
ZIGBEE-616 ZDSecMgrRemoveDeviceInd is not being called for ZNP devices
ZIGBEE-598 TC Link Key in SysConfig is reversed
ZIGBEE-597 zclParseInDiscCmdsRspCmd causes stack failure
ZIGBEE-596 Multiple TCLK entries per device in the TC's ZCD_NV_EX_TCLK_TABLE item
ZIGBEE-593 ZCL Group IDs are written to/restored from NV incorrectly
ZIGBEE-591 App “Discovery” mode on Light leads to extraneous Simple Descriptor Requests
ZIGBEE-586 MT_ZDO_EXT_SEC_APS_REMOVE_REQ is incorrectly parsed
ZIGBEE-580 gpd sysconfig should not have battery vs batteryless mode as a configuration option
ZIGBEE-574 MAX_BINDING_CLUSTER_IDS should be statically sized due to usage in libraries
ZIGBEE-541 Disabling NV_RESTORE leads to undefined behavior
ZIGBEE-537 Parsing error when configuring ZCL attribute with discrete data type (non-analog)
ZIGBEE-526 NVOCMP: New devices cannot join after ~220 nodes are in the network
ZIGBEE-516 Trust Center rejoins do not work correctly for joining devices


ID Summary
DMM-782 Fixed issue where DMM ZR stops core Zigbee functionality after 1-4 hours with steady traffic

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-3910 FormatCurve25519PrivateKey function produces incorrect result
TIDRIVERS-3908 Multiple NVS instances use the same buffer (SysConfig issue)
TIDRIVERS-3898 GCC NVS flash buffer is initialized to zero

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-221 RF_getCurrentTime returning incorrect value during PHY switching


Known Issues


ID Summary
BLETOOLS-213 AE and legacy advertising sets number is limited to 20
BLESTACK-3843 RTOS logging of certain high-priority events, such as SWIs and HWIs, may interfere with reception of a scan response chain
BLE_AGAMA-1708 [RTLS] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the master node might disconnect after aoa_start command is sent. WA requires delaying the aoa_start command for a few seconds after the connection is established.
BLE_AGAMA-1675 IOP: Device fails to pair with Meizu Pro 7
BLE_AGAMA-1652 [RTLS] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the passive node sometimes fails to track some of the connections.
BLE_AGAMA-1597 [RTLS] AoA Master sometimes get stuck in multiple connections scenario
BLE_AGAMA-1586 [RTLS] ToF Master & Slave may go out-of-sync in an environment with lots of RF activities in 2.4 GHz band and it will require reset to recover ToF
BLE_AGAMA-1573 [SYSCFG] Custom Board configuration in sysconfig is not supported
BLE_AGAMA-1441 [RTLS] AoA angle calculation is deviated for boundary angles
BLE_AGAMA-1435 [Multi-Sensor] Accelerometer Service Disappears After First Connection
BLE_AGAMA-1416 OAD offchip examples needs additional reset to load Factory Image
BLE_AGAMA-1370 CC13x2-P2 persistent app failed to compile in debug configuration
BLE_AGAMA-1116 [RTLS] TOF is not stable for connection interval greater than 1 second
BLE_AGAMA-546 Central applications do not receive timeout when connection fails
BLE_AGAMA-273 [Known Limitation] SC can't save Bond data for more than 10 devices to NV
BLE_AGAMA-139 When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection
BLE_AGAMA-80 The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases.
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-869 Using Custom Board in SysConfig may cause unexpected build and runtime behavior


ID Summary
TIOP-840 Thread Stack on CC2652RB can get stuck randomly after several hours when the temperature changes continuously. Issue not observed when temperature remains constant.
TIOP-826 Using Custom Board in SysConfig may cause unexpected build and runtime behavior

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3381 15.4 sensor locks up when scanning after ~10-20 min
TI154STACK-3347 Beacon losses observed in 15.4 BCN 250kbps mode at 2.4GHz with high data traffic in large network
TI154STACK-3335 Using Custom Board in SysConfig may cause unexpected build and runtime behavior

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-607 Using Custom Board in SysConfig may cause unexpected build and runtime behavior


ID Summary
DMM-849 Number of channels that can be used in 15.4 FH mode is limited in DMM use cases
DMM-845 DMM 15.4 collector unable to maintain connection with one DMM sensor when connected to 9 DMM sensors in 24 hour 15.4 beacon mode large network test
DMM-842 DMM RX-Always-On examples show BLE disconnection when changing from short to long connection interval at runtime
DMM-821 Using Custom Board in SysConfig may cause unexpected build and runtime behavior

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-3636 I2C_transfer() occasionally fails when called from an interrupt context
TIDRIVERS-3635 UART_read returns 0 in portable after a power-cycle on CC13x0 and CC26x0 devices
TIDRIVERS-1642 NVSSPI25x driver does not work when using internal SPI CS

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
None None