
Table of Contents


New Features


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-1219 [RTLS] ToF security shall use TI DRIVERS DRBG
BLE_AGAMA-1209 Migrate to use multi-page NV interface
BLE_AGAMA-1207 [RTLS] Save ToF calibration to the NV
BLE_AGAMA-1206 [RTLS] Added user configurable Link Quality Indication (LQI) and magnitude difference filter for ToF
BLE_AGAMA-1205 [RTLS] Implemented Time of Flight role switching feature
BLE_AGAMA-1194 [RTLS] Added RTLSCtrl API to dynamically alter connection parameters
BLE_AGAMA-1167 Added feature where central device will schedule anchor points for new connections with 5ms spacing
BLE_AGAMA-1166 Added feature where non connectable and non scannable advertisement sets can use different BLE addresses
BLE_AGAMA-1118 Added a feature where Max TX power can be set per channel on CC1352P-2 devices
BLE_AGAMA-1064 Added support for BLE5.1 Errata 10336 related to privacy: Potential compatibility break for devices forming connections over the Auxiliary Advertising channels or using directed advertising. Refer to documentation for more information.
BLE_AGAMA-558 Added support for Out of Band Paring (OOB) in GapBondMgr
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-764 SysConfig: Integrate CCFG module into easylink and rf driver projects
EZLINKPROP-669 Add additional examples for CC1352P1/-2/-4


ID Summary
TIOP-729 Enable BAW OAD projects
TIOP-728 Migrate to common mult-page NV driver location
TIOP-719 Migrate examples to use the TI driver for TRNG
TIOP-705 Add support for dynamically setting TX power which requires changing PA
TIOP-692 Integrate the new Crypto Driver API for ECJPAKE
TIOP-678 SysConfig: Integrate CCFG module into thread and rf driver projects
TIOP-662 Implement maximum TX power back-off for configurable channels
TIOP-660 Implement DHCPv6 client sending solicits to BBB and accepts back replies
TIOP-625 Downstream OpenThread from GitHub for 2019-Q2

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3146 Updated UART user interface for 15.4 examples
TI154STACK-3053 Enabled Multi-Page NV for 15.4 Stack
TI154STACK-3009 Enabled dynamic PA for CC1352P LP
TI154STACK-2941 Optimized OAD to write to NV storage only when crossing page boundary
TI154STACK-2929 Enabled 15.4 Support for BAW platforms
TI154STACK-2899 Enabled explicit polling in beacon mode for OAD
TI154STACK-2830 Sysconfig: Updated all 15.4 projects for sysconfig support

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-499 Add CC2652RB support
ZIGBEE-457 Support CUI with Z-Stack Example Applications
ZIGBEE-223 Integrate the multipage NV driver to increase number of supported Z3.0 devices


ID Summary
DMM-690 Enabled 15.4 Remote Display DMM example on LPSTK platform
DMM-629 Enabled Auto BLE5 PHY Switching in DMM examples
DMM-627 Enabled the option to select multiple activities for weighting factor in policy table
DMM-626 Enabled enhanced UART interface for all DMM examples
DMM-582 Integrated Multi-Page NV interface for DMM examples
DMM-566 Added Network Topology to DMM Zigbee Coordinator + BLE Peripheral Example
DMM-387 Enabled Sysconfig for DMM Examples
DMM-385 Enabled BLE OAD capability for all DMM examples
DMM-384 Added 15.4 Sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz Collector + BLE Peripheral Example
DMM-381 Added support for Bluetooth 5 features in DMM examples
DMM-342 DMM scheduler enhancements with global priority table added
DMM-341 DMM architecture enhancements to handle stack activity/timing information
DMM-338 Enabled BLE connectivity maintenance during 15.4 Sub-1 Frequency Hopping association

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1927 Port CC1350STK PDM driver example to CC26X2 / CC13X2
TIRTOS-1925 Add a driver example utilizing C++
TIRTOS-1431 Update adcbufcontinuous example
TIDRIVERS-3842 Add CC2652P support in PINCC26XX.c
TIDRIVERS-3828 ADC/ADCBuf Code Cleanup
TIDRIVERS-3769 Implement I2C timeout feature
TIDRIVERS-3762 Remove configureRFCoreClocks() from power driver
TIDRIVERS-3746 Move RF driver from TIDRIVERS into a separate component
TIDRIVERS-3677 Restore CRYPTOCC26XX_KEY_ANY to previous enum value
TIDRIVERS-3666 Add xyz_construct() APIs to remaining crypto drivers
TIDRIVERS-3664 Add entropy pool and queuing to TRNGCC26XX implementation
TIDRIVERS-3557 Document parameter ranges for PWM period and duty cycle
TIDRIVERS-3407 Provide Button and LED Modules from SAIL in TI Drivers
TIDRIVERS-3382 Add Timer_setPeriod() function
TIDRIVERS-3374 Generate a ccfg.c file using SysConfig
TIDRIVERS-1536 provide TimerCC26XX driver that sits atop GPTimer module

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-145 RFDRIVER: Update RF driver to support the CC2652P device
RFDRIVER-107 RFDRIVER: Extend RF schedule command params (RF_Cmd_s)
RFDRIVER-153 RFDRIVER: Add stack ID defines in RF.h
RFDRIVER-91 RFDRIVER: Add additional parameter to RF_params identifying the stack (DMM support)
RFDRIVER-106 RFDRIVER: Split CC13x0/CC26x0 and CC13x2/CC26x2 header files (users shall still include RF.h)
RFCORE-395 ToF: Passive node should read TX buffer from Master node instead of Slave node
RFCORE-394 ToF: Add support for 8, 16 and 32 bit variable payload
RFCORE-393 ToF: Export LQI and magnitude measurements
SRFSTUDIO-2395 SYSCFG: Generate smartrf_settings files into default directory (not into sub-folders)
SRFSTUDIO-2472 SYSCFG: Remove CCFG_FORCE_VDDR_HH guard macro from generated code
SRFSTUDIO-2403 SYSCFG: Add IEEE 802.15.4 release candidate settings for CC2652RB
SRFSTUDIO-2260 SYSCFG: Add BLE and IEEE 802.15.4 mode support for device CC2652P


Fixed Issues


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-1367 Stack may not schedule advertisements when more than one device is connected
BLE_AGAMA-1300 Fixed issue where HCI_EXT_getActiveConnInfoCmd returns invalid CRC_INIT
BLE_AGAMA-1217 RTLS Passive sync issues: missing the first word will stop Passive ToF in Dynamic Sync-word mode
BLE_AGAMA-1180 Fix issue with data alignment of RF buffers on connection monitor
BLE_AGAMA-1130 Fixed an issue where setting the parameter SCAN_PARAM_FLT_POLICY can cause device to hang
BLE_AGAMA-1126 Fixed an issue where TOF measurements at long distances would be inaccurate
BLE_AGAMA-1101 Incoming Slave Security Request not handled properly by the GapBondMgr and will trigger a new pair
BLE_AGAMA-1090 When previously bonded, upon re-connection, slave should send a slave security request
BLE_AGAMA-1062 [RTLS] rtls_passive won't re-sync when using TOF_MODE_AUTO run mode
BLE_AGAMA-906 Fixed issue where legacy advertisement set data length was not validated
BLE_AGAMA-754 Added sanity checks to GapAdv_loadByHandle for scannable properties
BLE_AGAMA-722 Optimized time to first advertisement
BLE_AGAMA-624 Fixed issue where linkDb is updated even when connection parameter update fails
BLE_AGAMA-460 Fixed issue where using auto-sized heap would prevent use of ROV
ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
TIOP-736 SysConfig: Do not initialize peripherals Thread examples aren't using
TIOP-693 OpenThread API doxygen has broken links

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3262 Sensor SM !Responding when joining network after disassociation
TI154STACK-3259 Fixed warning when debug prints are enabled in 15.4 SM projects
TI154STACK-3012 Fixed issue of when using DMM, “macRadioCsmaTxCb” can trigger false MAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE
TI154STACK-2958 Fixed issue where extra UART characters appear on UART when passkey method of authentication is enabled for commissioning
TI154STACK-2930 Fixed issue of ApiMac_mcpsDataReq_t txOptions.usePowerAndChannel setting is ineffective
TI154STACK-2928 Fixed issue of very low polling Interval (<400msec) causing joining problems

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-585 Secure GPDF uses MAC Seq Num as Secure FC, so frames are discarded by Proxy/Sink after it wraps at 255
ZIGBEE-583 GP Proxy/GP Sink memory leak after receiving incoming GPDF
ZIGBEE-569 transID field of AF_DATA_CONFIRM_IND does not correspond with ZCL transID of packet sent
ZIGBEE-556 Z3.0 Joiner can get into incorrect BDB state when recommissioned during TCLK Exchange
ZIGBEE-539 NPI TX buffer memory leak causing ZMemError
ZIGBEE-510 OTAApp_setPollRate API does not set poll rate correctly
ZIGBEE-509 Default reportable change value is incorrect in SampleLight
ZIGBEE-502 CIE has inconsistent IAS Zone Server (Warning Device, Zone) zone enrollment behavior
ZIGBEE-500 Touchlink Initiator does not set TxPower to 0dBm when performing discovery
ZIGBEE-490 Non-commissioned ZED device does not enter sleep mode
ZIGBEE-480 zed_sw_ota_client should use release TI-RTOS configuration instead of debug by default
ZIGBEE-476 ZDApp_RestoreNwkSecMaterial attempts write to non-initialized NVID if using last NV table entry (generic entry)
ZIGBEE-469 Setting poll rates via zstack_config.h was ineffective at compile-time


ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1945 Support for mq_send() to be interrupt callable
TIDRIVERS-3874 PDM assembly code for GNU is not in synch with CCS and IAR implementations
TIDRIVERS-3862 Internal AESCTRDRBGXX functions not declared static
TIDRIVERS-3858 TRNG Driver attempts to read TRNG Regs after TRNG is powered down
TIDRIVERS-3852 Crypto driver MAC checking not done in constant time
TIDRIVERS-3843 CC26XX I2C driver needs to power on module before initializing
TIDRIVERS-3827 CC13XX-CC26XX: UARTCC26X0/X2 loses callback when operating in callback mode when first byte contains frame error
TIDRIVERS-3806 ADCBufCC26X2: The driver needs to be able to acquire ADC semaphore prior/during to the open call in order to support full Sensor Controller compatibility.
TIDRIVERS-3794 SD card current consumption stays high after read/write
TIDRIVERS-3638 SDSPI Initialization is unreliable

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-193 RFDRIVER: Absolute time commands may in some scenarios not be executed at the correct time
RFDRIVER-164 SYSCFG: RF Driver throwing pinmux errors when using SysConfig core v1.2.862+
RFDRIVER-160 SYSCFG: rfDriverCallback generated by the RF driver module does not match the one in the SDK
RFCORE-408 RFCORE: 15.4 and BLE commands stop execution in the RF Core when switching PHY
SRFSTUDIO-2471 SYSCFG: Incorrect txPower is shown when changing PHY
SRFSTUDIO-2476 SYSCFG: Validation error on changing frequency band when used by EasyLink


Known Issues


ID Summary
BLETOOLS-213 AE and legacy advertising sets number is limited to 20
BLESTACK-3843 RTOS logging of certain high-priority events, such as SWIs and HWIs, may interfere with reception of a scan response chain
BLE_AGAMA-1458 CC1352-P2 fails to enable legacy advertise command when channel 37 is not included in the channel map
BLE_AGAMA-1445 Example failed to load when configured to non-default power level in the advertisement sets
BLE_AGAMA-1441 [RTLS Passive] AoA angle calculation is deviated in small angles (0-10 degrees)
BLE_AGAMA-1437 [RTLS] Angle performance is not stable when antenna array 2 is used
BLE_AGAMA-1435 [Multi-Sensor] Accelerometer Service Disappears After First Connection
BLE_AGAMA-1432 [RTLS] Configuration of slot_duration=1 is not supported in AoA
BLE_AGAMA-1416 OAD offchip examples needs additional reset to load Factory Image
BLE_AGAMA-1411 [TOF] ToF Master/Slave may go out of sync when RSSI is below -60
BLE_AGAMA-1370 CC13x2-P2 persistent app failed to compile in debug configuration
BLE_AGAMA-1116 [RTLS] TOF is not stable for connection interval greater than 1 second
BLE_AGAMA-546 Central applications do not receive timeout when connection fails
BLE_AGAMA-139 When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection
BLE_AGAMA-80 The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases.
ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
TIOP-798 Repeated solicit traffic when the same device starts DHCPv6 server and client

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3285 Multipage NV has a bug in data migration from NVOCTP to NVOCMP when NVOCTP is completely Full with Valid data
TI154STACK-3261 High power consumption post orphan until re-join in beacon mode
TI154STACK-3151 FH sleepy end device does not rejoin network until permit join in enabled post reset

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-541 Disabling NV_RESTORE leads to undefined behavior
ZIGBEE-526 NVOCMP: New devices cannot join after ~220 nodes are in the network


ID Summary
DMM-782 DMM ZR stops core Zigbee functionality after 1-4 hours with steady traffic

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1959 IAR project is not rebuilt after .syscfg file is modified
TIDRIVERS-3636 I2C_transfer() occasionally fails when called from an interrupt context
TIDRIVERS-3635 UART_read returns 0 in portable after a power-cycle on CC13x0 and CC26x0 devices
TIDRIVERS-1642 NVSSPI25x driver does not work when using internal SPI CS

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
None None