TI Cortex-M4 with hard FP Size Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.simplelink:CC2642:1

Tool Chain Version: 18.1.1

BIOS Version: bios_6_55_00_05_eng

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_50_05_11_core_eng

See the SYS/BIOS User Guide for detailed application configuration information

Constructed Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 4156 1271 408 5835 1024 512 0 1058 2594
Semaphore 4236 1271 408 5915 1024 512 0 1090 2626
Mutex 4308 1271 408 5987 1024 512 0 1134 2670
Clock 4388 1271 408 6067 1024 512 0 1174 2710

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

Created Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 4372 1337 456 6165 1024 512 0 1086 2622
Semaphore 4444 1337 456 6237 1024 512 0 1094 2630
Mutex 4440 1337 456 6233 1024 512 0 1094 2630
Clock 4512 1337 456 6305 1024 512 0 1098 2634

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

POSIX Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
PThread 5348 1345 560 7253 1024 1280 0 1470 3774
Semaphore 5488 1345 560 7393 1024 1280 0 1498 3802
Mutex 5636 1345 552 7533 1024 1280 0 1542 3846
Timer 6128 1345 560 8033 1024 1280 0 1546 3850

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes