TI Cortex-M4 with hard FP Size Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.msp432:MSP432P401R:1

Tool Chain Version: 18.1.0

BIOS Version: bios_6_55_00_04_eng

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_50_05_11_core_eng

See the SYS/BIOS User Guide for detailed application configuration information

Constructed Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 7450 427 336 8213 1024 512 0 1090 2626
Semaphore 8242 555 336 9133 1024 512 0 1122 2658
Mutex 8458 659 336 9453 1024 512 0 1166 2702
Clock 8722 727 336 9785 1024 512 0 1206 2742

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

Created Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 8786 662 352 9800 1024 512 0 1046 2582
Semaphore 9522 772 368 10662 1024 512 0 1078 2614
Mutex 9602 804 368 10774 1024 512 0 1078 2614
Clock 9866 872 368 11106 1024 512 0 1090 2626

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

POSIX Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
PThread 11354 854 448 12656 1024 1280 0 1426 3730
Semaphore 11538 854 448 12840 1024 1280 0 1454 3758
Mutex 11698 854 448 13000 1024 1280 0 1498 3802
Timer 12530 922 456 13908 1024 1280 0 1510 3814

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes