IAR Cortex-M4 with hard FP Object Size Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.simplelink:CC2642:1

Tool Chain Version:

BIOS Version: bios_6_55_00_05_eng

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_50_05_11_core_eng

Object Name Size
Hwi 208
Swi 216
Task 248
Semaphore 192
GateMutex 200
Clock 200
POSIX Pthread 336
POSIX Semaphore 28
POSIX Mutex 160
POSIX Timer 224

The M4F target also supports zero latency interrupts. See ti.sysbios.family.arm.m3.Hwi cdocs for details.

See the SYS/BIOS User’s Guide for more information regarding how interrupt latency is calculated.