GCC Cortex-M4 with hard FP Size Benchmarks

Target Platform: ti.platforms.tiva:TM4C123GH6PM:1

Tool Chain Version: 7.2.1

BIOS Version: bios_6_55_00_05_eng

XDCTools Version: xdctools_3_50_05_11_core_eng

See the SYS/BIOS User Guide for detailed application configuration information

Constructed Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 10168 550 0 10718 1024 512 0 1920 3456
Semaphore 11080 678 0 11758 1024 512 0 1952 3488
Mutex 11288 802 0 12090 1024 512 0 1996 3532
Clock 11564 870 0 12434 1024 512 0 2036 3572

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

Created Object Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
Task 11192 782 0 11974 1024 512 0 1876 3412
Semaphore 11800 898 0 12698 1024 512 0 1908 3444
Mutex 11856 930 0 12786 1024 512 0 1908 3444
Clock 12104 998 0 13102 1024 512 0 1920 3456

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes

POSIX Applications

Application Name Code Initialized Data C-initialization Total Flash ISR/C Stack Task Stacks Heaps BSS Total RAM
PThread 13416 938 0 14354 1024 1280 0 2164 4468
Semaphore 13520 938 0 14458 1024 1280 0 2192 4496
Mutex 13668 938 0 14606 1024 1280 0 2248 4552
Timer 14512 1006 0 15518 1024 1280 0 2260 4564

All sizes are in 8-bit bytes