TI BLE-Stack 2.03.06 Release Notes

Table of Contents


SimpleLink™ CC13x0 Software Development Kit (SDK) delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on Texas Instruments SimpleLink Bluetooth® Low Energy CC13x0 wireless MCU. This powerful software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink CC13x0 users by packaging essential software components such as the Bluetooth 4.2 protocol stack (BLE-Stack), TI-RTOS and peripheral drivers in one easy-to-use software package along with exhaustive documentation.

Additional information about TI’s Bluetooth Low Energy solutions can be found at www.ti.com/ble

BLE-Stack Documentation

The SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK allows easier product development by combining the TI-RTOS and BLE protocol stack in one unified SDK. All BLE-Stack sample applications are based off the TI-RTOS Kernel. Key documents needed for BLE application development include:

What’s New

Fixed Issues

Known Issues and Limitations

Installation and Usage

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The CC1350 SDK uses a new directory & file format which differs from BLE-Stack 2.2.x and earlier SDK releases. Existing applications developed with earlier SDKs require porting to this release; however, most BLE APIs remain the same thus reducing the effort required to migrate to this release

Operating System Support

The BLE-Stack sample applications in the CC13x0 SDK are supported on the Microsoft Windows® 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 build platform.


The BLE-Stack sample applications were built & tested with the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and listed components on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 10 host build platforms.

Device Support

This release supports single-mode Bluetooth Low Energy on the following SimpleLink wireless MCU: CC1350

Development Board Support

This release supports Bluetooth Low Energy applications on the following development kit: CC1350 LaunchPad


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates