SimpleLink™ CC13x0 SDK Change log

Table of Contents

New Features

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
TIMAC-1749 MT Interface & Co-Processor API changes to support 2 byte key Index and device Index
TIMAC-1616 Supports Non-Beacon and FH 200 kbps sub-1 data-rate

TI Proprietary-RF

ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-133 Extend rfPacketErrorRate example to measure throughput
EZLINKPROP-132 PER TX test example changes to display TX power and data rate

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1418 SRAM allocation overflow in GCC build for CC13x0 rfWsn projects
TIDRIVERS-1444 Extend GPIOCC26XX driver to work with GPIO indexes greater than 31 for Energia
TIDRIVERS-1412 Improve Agama public key validation routine
TIDRIVERS-1411 Add _Params option to disable public key verification
TIDRIVERS-1406 Change CC1352P_LAUNCHXL board file name to CC1352P1_LAUNCHXL
TIDRIVERS-1394 Change DMA table base address for Agama
TIDRIVERS-1390 Rework GPIOCC26XX to use PIN_setInterrupt() to enable/disable interrupts
TIDRIVERS-1377 ECJPAKECC26X2.c and ECDSACC26X2.c global vars not static
TIDRIVERS-1376 Add NIST P521 curve support to Agama ECC drivers
TIDRIVERS-1375 Add brainpool P512r1 curve to Agama ECC drivers
TIDRIVERS-1345 Add brainpool P384r1 curve support to Agama ECC drivers
TIDRIVERS-1344 Add brainpool P256r1 curve support to Agama ECC drivers
TIDRIVERS-1343 Add NIST P384 curve support to Agama ECC drivers
TIDRIVERS-1342 Add NIST P224 curve support to Agama ECC drivers
TIDRIVERS-1331 Refactor RF_scheduleCmd API to better suit the DMM
TIDRIVERS-1329 Namespace all RF driver functions with RF_ prefix
TIDRIVERS-1310 Extend the NVS driver example to show how to add a custom region
TIDRIVERS-1305 Rework Agama ECDSA and ECJPAKE to store tmp results in PKA RAM
TIDRIVERS-1281 Need a UARTCC26X0 driver
TIDRIVERS-1221 Add logic to SPIFFS_write() to work around 83-write limitation on CC13xx and CC26xx devices
TIDRIVERS-1216 Refactor RAT API functions
TIDRIVERS-1198 Create generic SHA2 example
TIDRIVERS-1195 Create generic AESECB example
TIDRIVERS-1194 Create generic AESCCM example
TIDRIVERS-1189 Refactor internal RF driver queue and use List type instead
TIDRIVERS-1186 Eliminate bIeeBg flag dependency in IEEE mode (scheduleCmdParams)
TIDRIVERS-1185 Remove TIDRIVERS-1170 workaround when SPICC26XXDMA supports larger than 1k SPI transfers
TIDRIVERS-1173 SPICC26XXDMA should be updated to support transfers larger than 1024
TIDRIVERS-1143 Add Montgomery curve ECDH support for Curve25519 on Agama
TIDRIVERS-1135 Add key verification to ECDH and ECDSA driver
TIDRIVERS-1079 Update power driver to use driverlib functions to enter idle, standby and shutdown.
TIDRIVERS-946 Update power driver for Agama to make use of new oscillator interrupts
TIDRIVERS-936 Add convenience function RF_setTxPower() to update the output power
TIDRIVERS-591 TI-DRIVERS should upgrade to FatFs v0.13a
TIDRIVERS-530 UartCC26xx uses ClockSwi for callback to application
TIDRIVERS-461 UART driver should notify application of errors
TIDRIVERS-441 Add SPIFFS, a lightweight file system that uses NVS to interface with on-chip or off-chip FLASH

Fixed Issues

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
SDKSYSAPPS-348 Linux Collector FH association duration has been optimized
SDKSYSAPPS-129 Fixed MT Fragmentation issue on the Linux collector application limits the MT message max length to be 128 bytes.

TI Proprietary-RF

ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-205 Interrupts are not locked when writing to the internal flash

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-1319 Incorrect thread protection in mq_open()
TIRTOS-1023 pthread_exit-related memory leak
TIDRIVERS-1541 Adjust the search depth of High-Gain PA override value from 20 to 80 in RF driver
TIDRIVERS-1477 Review dual-stack usage of TRIG_NOW trigger type
TIDRIVERS-1431 Potential race condition in the UARTCC26XX driver
TIDRIVERS-1401 Correct ECDH private key validation range
TIDRIVERS-1398 PWMCC26XX_open() and PWMCC26XX_start() cause spikes on the output pin
TIDRIVERS-1389 CC13XX-CC26XX: UART_write in callback mode could post additional writes before the initial write completes causing strange behavior.
TIDRIVERS-1371 ADCBufCC26XX: Move DMA reload into hwi context.
TIDRIVERS-1368 Resolve race condition resulting in lost interrupts in IEEE mode
TIDRIVERS-1349 Reduced RF performance in multi-mode applications
TIDRIVERS-1340 Resolve assymetric critical sections in the multi-mode RF driver
TIDRIVERS-1336 PDM task stack size too small for worst case interrupt nesting
TIDRIVERS-1332 Elimination of bPowerUpXOSCfield from RF_Params configuration object
TIDRIVERS-1328 CryptoCC26XX_loadKey not safely callable from swi context
TIDRIVERS-1302 Change of return value of RF_ratDisableChannel()
TIDRIVERS-1285 CC13XX-CC26XX: UART_read used in blocking mode may get stuck in pending due to framing/parity/break error.
TIDRIVERS-1158 Introduce new type of HW attributes in the RF driver
TIDRIVERS-1113 powerup duration is overwritten
TIDRIVERS-1003 UART CC26XX driver does not use ring buffer

Known Issues

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
None None

TI Proprietary-RF

ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-476 POSIX threads render as single task in execution graph
TIDRIVERS-406 Warning in sensorI2C.c when building BLE CCS projects using I2C
TIDRIVERS-386 Timing difference from SYSRESET as compared to a hard reset
TIDRIVERS-206 Display driver does not support float
TIDRIVERS-204 LCDDogm128 writes outside buffer
TIDRIVERS-188 SPICC26XXDMA / UDMACC26XX - Bus faults not handled
TIDRIVERS-146 Possible bug in LCD driver (DOGM 128-6) for drawing/clearing vertical lines
TIDRIVERS-92 Incorrect thread safety in LCD_open