EasyLink Proprietary RF Release Notes

Table of Contents


Proprietary SW RF examples for Sub-1 GHz band: TI-RTOS RF driver providing a standardized way to use the CC13xx RF core Easy to write low-power applications that uses the radio using EasyLink RF abstraction layer TI-RTOS power driver enabling automatic entering into standby Simple API, exposing the various APIs from the RF core RF settings and commands exported by SmartRF Studio Support for IEEE 802.15.4g 50 kbps GFSK and Long Range Mode (LRM) 625 bps, with more PHYs continuously added AT command interface, Packet Tx/Packet Rx, Wireless Sensor network example with BLE advertisement for CC1350 All examples also available using CCS cloud on dev.ti.com


What’s New

ID Summary
SDKSYSAPPS-191 ON-CHIP OAD Capability for EasyLink WSN examples
SDKSYSAPPS-138 Integrated micro-BLE to provide BLE advertisements for EasyLink WSN DM examples
EZLINKPROP-44 Fixed Power_idleFunc references in nortos examples
EZLINKPROP-41 Support 433MHz band for CC13x0
EZLINKPROP-29 Added no-RTOS PER example for CC13x0
EZLINKPROP-25 No-RTOS support for EasyLink on CC13x0

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
SDKSYSAPPS-218 Modified URLs of uBLE beacons to be https to work with native android BLE beacon scan.
SDKSYSAPPS-204 External flash was not being erased properly if OAD_BLOCK_SIZE was not a multiple of flashPageSize
EZLINKPROP-83 Fixed PER for Interference Case
EZLINKPROP-74 Changed Easylink_RadioTime_to_ms macro to avoid overflow
EZLINKPROP-38 Changed the hard coded systemReset in NP example to the systemReset API from driverlib

Known Issues

ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-80 EasyLink_getRfPwr has function type int_8, but may return a status (EasyLink_Status_Config_Error)

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Operating System Support

The TI 15.4-Stack SDK is supported on the Microsoft Windows® platform.


TI 15.4-Stack was built & tested on a Windows 7 host platform using the following Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and components. Using an IDE version or TI-RTOS version not listed below may result in compatibility issues with this SDK release.

Device Support

Development Board Support


TI 15.4-Stack was tested using the following components:


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates