rfEasyLink_networkProcessor Example

Example Summary

The EasyLink API has been exposed over an AT Command Interface such that it can be exercised by Host SW (running on an PC, MPU or MCU) or by a human using a serial terminal emulator.

For more information on the EasyLink API and usage refer to https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SimpleLink-EasyLink

Peripherals Exercised

Resources & Jumper Settings

If you’re using an IDE (such as CCS or IAR), please refer to Board.html in your project directory for resources used and board-specific jumper settings. Otherwise, you can find Board.html in the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/source/ti/boards/<BOARD>.

Example Usage

Open a serial session (e.g. HyperTerminal,puTTY, etc.) to the appropriate COM port. Note: the COM port can be determine via Device Manager in Windows or via ls /dev/tty* in Linux.

The connection should have the following settings:

Baud-rate:    115200
Data bits:    8
Stop bits:    1
Parity:       None
Flow Control: None

If the serial session is started before the target completes initialization, the reset indication and version number is displayed: “RESET:vxx.xx.xx”

By default the target echoes back any character that is typed in the serial session.

Note: Two boards are recommended in order to see the effect of these commands by running both the rfEasyLinkNp and the rfEasyLinkRx examples.


The AT Command Interface uses ASCII characters so that a terminal emulator can send the commands, but also uses framing so that SW can format and parse the AT commands.

The frame format is shown below

| Start of Frame | Command Type  | Command ID  | Parameters | End Of Frame |
| "AT"           | 'P'/'+'       | "i"         | "0001"     |  &lt;CR>       |

An example command is:

AT+I 0001<CR>

The EasyLink AT Command Interface uses 2 command types:

  1. Pxx: Parameters
  2. +x: Control Commands

T Parameters

Parameters offer set and get functionality.

The format of a parameter read command to get the TxPower paramter is:


The response to a read will be of the format shown below, depending on the parameter it will be hex or decimal:


The format of an AT command to set the Frequency Parameter to 868MHz is:


The response of a write will be of the format:


The registers exposed for the EasyLink API are:

| Param | R/W | Description                      | Parameter(s)               |
|  ST   |  R  | Read The last EasyLink status    | EasyLink status in 4B:     |
|       |     | returned                         | hex<br> Success = 0000     |
|       |     |                                  | Config_Error = 0001        |
|       |     |                                  | Param_Error = 0002         |
|       |     |                                  | Mem_Error = 0003           |
|       |     |                                  | Cmd_Error = 0004           |
|       |     |                                  | Tx_Error = 0005            |
|       |     |                                  | Rx_Error = 0006            |
|       |     |                                  | Rx_Timeout = 0007          |
|       |     |                                  | Rx_Buffer_Error = 0008     |
|       |     |                                  | Busy_Error = 0009          |
|       |     |                                  | Aborted = 000a             |
|  AE   | R/W | UART Echo Enable                 | 0 or 1 to enable/disable   |
|       |     |                                  | echo                       |
|  FR   | R/W | Read/Write frequency in kHz      | Frequency in 1B hex        |
|  PW   | R/W | Read/Write tx power in dBm       | Power in decimal between   |
|       |     |                                  | -10 to 14dBm. Note ccfg    |
|       |     |                                  | changes are required for   |
|       |     |                                  | 14dBm outpur power         |
|  BM   | R/W | Read/Write data mode for Tx/Rx   | Mode in 1B hex 0:ASCII     |
|       |     | data                             | 1:Binary                   |
|  IE   |  R  | Read IEEE address                | None                       |
|  AS   |  R  | Read address size in Bytes       | None                       |
|  TS   | R/W | Read/Write Tx address            | 1-8B Tx address in hex     |
|  RT   |  R  | Read current radio time          | None                       |
|  TY   | R/W | Read/Write Time Type             | Time in 1B hex 0:Absolute  |
|       |     |                                  | Time 1:Relative Time       |
|  TT   | R/W | Absolute or relative (based on   | Absolute/relative time in  |
|       |     | Time Type) radio time to Tx a    | units of 4MHz ticks in     |
|       |     | packet                           | decimal OR 0 for immediate |
|  TR   | R/W | Absolute or relative (based      | Absolute/relative time in  |
|       |     | on Time Type) radio time to Rx a | units of 4MHz ticks in     |
|       |     | packet                           | decimal OR 0 for immediate |
|  RO   | R/W | Relative time for Rx timeout     | Relative time in units of  |
|       |     |                                  | 4MHz ticks in decimal OR 0 |
|       |     |                                  | for never                  |
|  LA   |  R  | Destination address of last Rx'ed| None                       |
|       |     | message                          |                            |
|  LT   |  R  | Read absolute radio time of last | None                       |
|       |     | Rx'ed message                    |                            |
|  LR   |  R  | Read RSSI of last Rx'ed message  | None                       |
|  F0   | R/W | Read/Write address filter 0      |  1-8B address in hex       |
|  F1   | R/W | Read/Write address filter 1      |  1-8B address in hex       |
|  F2   | R/W | Read/Write address filter 2      |  1-8B address in hex       |
|  TM   | R/W | Read/Write test mode             | Test mode in 1B hex        |
|       |     |                                  | 0:None/Cancel              |
|       |     |                                  | 1:Tone/Carrier Wave        |
|       |     |                                  | 2:Modulated Signal         |
|       |     |                                  | 3:PER Tx                   |
|       |     |                                  | 4:PER Rx                   |
|  PI   | R/W | Read/Write PER Tx Bursts Interval| 1B time between PER bursts |
|       |     |                                  | in units of ms in Decimal  |
|  PB   | R/W | Read/Write PER Tx Burst Size     | 1B Tx Burst Size in Hex    |
|  PP   | R/W | Read/Write Number of PER Tx/Rx   | 1B Tx/Rx Packets in Hex    |
|       |     | Packets                          |                            |
|  PL   | R/W | Read/Write PER Tx/Rx Packet      | 1B Tx/Rx Packet Length in  |
|       |     | Length                           | Hex                        |
|GM00-03| R/W | Read/Write GPIO Mode             | 0:1 GPIO Value input/output|
|GV00-03| R/W | Read/Write GPIO Value            | 0:1 GPIO Value             |

It is important to note that most Register commands call underlying EasyLink functions that require the Initialize Command “AT+I x” to be run.

AT Control Commands

The format of Control Commands are:

“AT+I 00

The response will be similar to:


The Commands exposed for the EasyLink AT API are:

| Command  | Description                        | Parameter(s)                |
|   i/I    | Initialize the Radio               | 00: For User defined from   |
|          |                                    | SmartRF_Settings.c/h        |
|          |                                    | 01: For 50kbps 2-GFSK Mode (|
|          |                                    | CC13xx only)                |
|          |                                    | 02: For 625bps Long Range   |
|          |                                    | SmartRF_Settings.c/h        |
|          |                                    | Mode (CC13xx only)          |
|          |                                    | 01: For 200kbps 2.4G 2-GFSK |
|          |                                    | Mode (CC2650 only)          |
|  tx/TX   | Send a message to Tx Address       | x Data Bytes                |
|          | (PARAM PTA) at Tx Time (Param PTT) |                             |
|          | or Immediate if 0 or expired       |                             |
|  rx/RX   | Turn on Radio to Receive Data at   | None                        |
|          | Rx Time set by Parameter `PRT` (or |                             |
|          | Immediate if 0), with timeout set  |                             |
|          | by Parameter "PRO"                 |                             |
|  rs/RS   | Reset the CC13xx                   | None                        |

Command Responses

Response for Register Write and Control Commands are formatted as:

| Response        | Description                                                |
| OK<CR>         | Command or Register write successful                       |
| Error 0001<CR> | Command or register read/write failed due to bad formatting|
| Error 0002<CR> | Command or register read/write failed due to bad length    |
| Error 0003<CR> | Command or register write failed due to a parameter Error  |
| Error 0004<CR> | Command or register write failed due to a Memory Error     |
| Error 0005<CR> | Command or register write failed due to Error From         |
|                | EasyLink API (EasyLink error is stored in Parameter "ST")  |

The response to the “rx”"RX" (receive) Command is of the format:

The response to the “rs”"RX" (reset) Command is of format:

Where vxx.xx.xx is the version number of the EasyLink API

Test Modes

The EasyLink AT interface supports the following test modes:

Before running these commands you must first initialize the device using:

AT+I x<CR>

where x indicate the Phy settings used.

Carrier Wave:

This is enabled by Setting test mode to 1. To configure the Carrier Wave test mode use:


To exit the Carrier Wave test mode:


Modulated Signal:

This is enabled by Setting test mode to 2. To configure the Modulated Signal test mode use:


To exit the Modulated Signal test mode:


Note, that the Modulated Signal test mode can only run once. For correct operation setting the Modulated Signal for a second time requires a reset command:



This is enabled by setting test mode to 3, it will run for the number of packets configure in the PP Parameter, or indefinitely number of packets is set to 0. To configure PER Tx test mode to run for 100 packets:


While the test is running the below responses should be expected:

    TPER: 00
    TPER: 01
    TPER: 02

Once the test completes the below response should be expected.

    TPER: Done OK<CR>

Related Parameters to this test are:


This is enabled by setting test mode to 4, it will run for the number of packets configure in the PP Parameter, or indefinitely number of packets is set to 0. To configure PER Rx test mode to run for 100 packets:


While the test is running the below responses should be expected:

    RPER: 00, 0001, 0000, -31
    RPER: 01, 0002, 0000, -31
    RPER: 02, 0003, 0000, -31

The columns are:

    RPER: <Sequence Number>, <Pass Count>, <Fail Count>, <RSSI>

The sequence number is sent from the Tx PER, and is expected to increment by 1 in each packet. Pass Count increments every time a correct sequence number is received. Fail Count increments every time an incorrect sequence number is received.

Once the test completes the below response should be expected.

    <RPER>: Done OK

Note for IAR users: When using the CC1310DK, the TI XDS110v3 USB Emulator must be selected. For the CC1310_LAUNCHXL, select TI XDS110 Emulator. In both cases, select the cJTAG interface.