Texas Instruments, Inc. CC2540/41 Bluetooth® Low Energy Software Development Kit Release Notes BLE-Stack Version 1.5.1 January 30th, 2020 Texas Instruments, Inc. Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments Bluetooth Low Energy software protocol stack (BLE-Stack) is a maintenance update to the v1.5.0 release and contains 2 bug fixes. - For BEM, EBL and SimpleBLEPeripheral projects, refer to the porting guide section of the included Software Developers Guide (SWRU271) for details on how to update to this release. Bug fixes included in this release: - Fixed an issue where the AES-CTR counter value was reset after every 64 byte block in the BEM and EBL projects (BLESTACK-5116). - Update the MAC verification to use a constant time function in the BEM project (BLESTACK-5117). - Updated simple peripheral application to re-initiate advertising upon a connection fail event caused by invalid connection PDU parameters (BLESTACK-5258). Known Issues / Limitations: - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. - The configuration of the PICTL register by HalKeyConfig in Components\hal\target\CC2540USB\hal_key.c is incorrect. Change the following within HalKeyConfig: PICTL |= 0x01; // P1ICONL: Falling edge ints on pins 0-3. to PICTL |= 0x02; // P1ICONL: Falling edge ints on pins 0-3. - The CC254X OAD SW does not support downgrade attack protection, and the user applications should ensure downgrade or rollback attack protection applied at the application level (e.g. by making the SW security version part of the SW image). For technical support please visit the Texas Instruments Bluetooth E2E Forum: http://www.ti.com/ble-forum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texas Instruments, Inc. CC2540/41 Bluetooth® Low Energy Software Development Kit Release Notes BLE-Stack Version 1.5.0 April 18th, 2019 Texas Instruments, Inc. Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments Bluetooth Low Energy software protocol stack (BLE-Stack) is a maintenance update to the v1.4.2 release and contains several bug fixes. - For applications running v1.4.1 or later, most applications do not require porting since most changes are in protocol stack libraries. Refer to the porting guide section of the included Software Developers Guide (SWRU271H) for specific details on how to port to this release. Bug fixes included in this release: - Update the controller to enforce the rule that no data packet should be exchanged during the encryption procedure. (BLESTACK-4080). - Update the controller to avoid deadlock when control procedure was happening at the same time as an encryption request. (BLESTACK-2273). - Update the bond manager to avoid disconnection when the non-volatile memory is full. (BLESTACK-908, BLESTACK-4103). - Fixed an issue that prevented establishing a connection with certain parameters. (BLESTACK-953). - Fixed an issue that prevented the slave latency value to be taken into account during a specific parameter update. (BLESTACK-957). - Fixed an issue where sending HCI_RESET after creating a connection was causing the device to become unresponsive. (BLESTACK-894). - Fixed an issue where RFU header bits were not masked out. (BLESTACK-4045). - Fixed an issue where the device can hang if a termination indication (unencrypted) is sent right after an encryption procedure has started. (BLESTACK-4421). - Fixed an issue where the slave could not request a connection parameter update with a new connection interval not a multiple of the current connection interval. (BLESTACK-1612). - Fixed an issue where the BIM could have a corrupted DMA structure. (BLESTACK-524). - in GATT, the authorization check was not returning the correct status in case of failure. (BLESTACK-4353). - in the thermometer service, the check on the temperature range was excluding the boundary value, where it should not. (BLESTACK-4354). - in the thermometer service, fix an issue where the notification was not sent if the measurement interval characteristic value was greater than 0. (BLESTACK-4355). - in the cycling service, fix a case where the notification was not always disabled. (BLESTACK-4358). - Fixed a race condition in the UART DMA driver. (BLESTACK-2229). - Fixed a issue in the LL where the event numCompletePacket was send before the packet was actually ack by the peer. (BLESTACK-4533). - Update the way authorization to read or write a characteristic were done to be compliant with the specification. (BLESTACK-4330). - In the running sensor profile, fix an issue where the service is responding to a ATT write request with success while waiting for an indication confirmation. (BLESTACK-4416). Known Issues / Limitations: - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. - The configuration of the PICTL register by HalKeyConfig in Components\hal\target\CC2540USB\hal_key.c is incorrect. Change the following within HalKeyConfig: PICTL |= 0x01; // P1ICONL: Falling edge ints on pins 0-3. to PICTL |= 0x02; // P1ICONL: Falling edge ints on pins 0-3. Upgrade and Compatibility Information: - For details on how to qualify your Bluetooth product, please see http://www.ti.com/ble-qualification - All projects have been migrated from IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 v9.10.3 to v10.30.1. In order to build all projects, be sure to upgrade to IAR v10.30.1. Use of other versions of IAR may result in compatibility issues with this SDK release. IAR software can be obtained from: https://www.iar.com/iar-embedded-workbench/partners/texas-instruments/ti-wireless/ For technical support please visit the Texas Instruments Bluetooth E2E Forum: http://www.ti.com/ble-forum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLE-Stack Version 1.4.2 June 7, 2016 Texas Instruments, Inc. Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE-Stack and software is a maintenance update to the v1.4.1 release and contains several bug fixes - For applications running v1.4.1, no application porting is required since all changes are in protocol stack libraries. - TI recommends using BLE-Stack v1.4.1 or later to ensure pairing compatibility with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) devices - The included Software Developer's Guide (SWRU271G) is compatible with this release Bug fixes included in this release: - Fixed an issue where Limited Discoverable advertising doesn't end if the ADV payload length is 31 bytes - Fixed an issue where the GATT Client is not able to read the full GAP Device Name when the name length is > 19 characters - Added check for GATT_PERMIT_ENCRYPT_WRITE in ggs_SetAttrWPermit - Addressed Central role stability issues with multiple connections when performing concurrent operations: pairing, scan or initiating - Fixed an issue with Channel Map Updates not properly ack'd in certain conditions when Slave Latency is applied - Fixed a condition where Slave Latency was not temporarily disabled in degraded RF channel conditions - Fixed a slave condition where LL_TERMINATE_IND is not ack'd if sent at the 6th interval after receiving a LL_CONNECTION_UPDATE_IND Known Issues / Limitations: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. Additional Resources: For technical support please visit the Texas Instruments Bluetooth E2E Forum: http://www.ti.com/ble-forum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC2540/41 Bluetooth low energy Software Development Kit Release Notes BLE-Stack Version 1.4.1 May 21, 2015 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE-Stack and software is a maintenance update to the v1.4.0 release. It contains several bug fixes and enhancements. - The BLE protocol stack, including both the controller and host, was completely retested for v1.4.1. - All Sample Applications in the SDK ported and verified for v1.4.1 - Default SDK installation path is C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.4.1.xxxxx\ where "xxxxx' is the SDK build revision number. - For guidance on how to port existing v1.4.0 projects to v1.4.1, refer to the "Additional Resources" section below. Changes and minor enhancements: - All projects have been migrated from IAR v8.20.2 to IAR 9.10.3. In order to build all projects, be sure to upgrade to IAR v9.10.3. - Smarter handling of connection parameter updates with multiple connections - GAPRole_SetParameter(GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA) changes the advertising data - Allows removal of Service Changed Characteristic - HAL components set to TRUE if not defined - Added HCI Vendor Specific Guide revision history - Several bug fixes. Bug Fixes: - Fix for RSSI value does not change in V1.4 stack - Fix for Number HCI Commands parameter not updated in Command Complete Event - Fixed CC254x UART DMA reception discontinuity - Fix for SPI reliability improvement - Fix for updating advertisement data while simultaneously connected as peripheral and advertising - Fix for filtering duplicate ADV reports even when the filter is FALSE - Fix for possible race condition T2ISR vs T2E1 on slow wakeups - Fix for HAL_DMA_CLEAR_IRQ() can be interrupted causing missed ISR cause - Fixed HCI_LERemoveDeviceFromWhiteList Fails after Scan - Watchdog Kick Macro Affected by Interrupts - Fixed HCI_EXT_ResetSystem soft reset to work as expected on CC254x - Fixed White List Irregularities During Scan / Connect - Fixed Overlap processing that causes Slave task to last too long for next event setup - Add BTool Support for new field 'encKeySize' added to GATT_AddService command - Fixed CC254x UART DMA reception discontinuity - Fixed CC254x unresponsive when resetting in initiating state - Fix for after successful reconnect using private non-resolvable address, rebond fails with "Key Req Rejected" - Fix for CC254x host Bond Manager setParam configuration does not support M/S LinkKey enc exchange - Fixed TICKSPD, CLKSPD is overwritten on X/HS-OSC change Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. Additional Resources: For technical support please visit the Texas Instruments Bluetooth E2E Forum: http://www.ti.com/ble-forum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.0 November 8, 2013 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software is a minor update to the v1.3.2 release. It contains some minor bug fixes and a few functional changes. - The BLE protocol stack, including both the controller and host, was completely retested for v1.4.0. Changes and Enhancements: - All projects have been migrated from IAR v8.10.4 to IAR 8.20.2. In order to build all projects, be sure to upgrade to IAR v8.20.2. - Updated SPI and UART_DMA drivers for improved robustness and throughput. - Added an overlapped processing feature to improve throughput and reduce power consumption in devices where peak power consumption isn't an issue. Overlapped processing allows the stack to concurrently process while the radio is active. Since the stack is concurrently processing, it is able to insert new data in the Tx buffer during the connection event, causing additional packets to be sent before the end of the event. - Added a Number of Completed Packets HCI command which offers the possibility of waiting for a certain number of completed packets before reporting to the host. This allows higher throughput when used with overlapped processing. - Added an HCI Extension command HCI_EXT_DelaySleepCmd which provides the user control of the system initialization sleep delay (wake time from PM3/boot before going back to sleep). The default sleep delay is based on the reference design 32 kHz XOSC stabilization time. - Added a low duty cycle directed advertising option. - Added support for deleting a single bond with the GAP_BondSetParam command. - Decreased CRC calculation time during OAD by using DMA. Bug Fixes: - Using a short connection interval and exercising high throughput, there was some loss of packets. This was fixed by adding host to application flow control support. - Bonding was unstable at short connection intervals. This is now fixed. - Fixed USB CDC Drivers to work with Windows 8. - OAD sample project would fail if long connection interval was used. This was fixed by not allowing parameter updates to the central device. - Fixed linking errors in UBL project. - Fixed minor issues in sample apps to work with PTS dongle. - Fixed USB descriptors in HostTestRelease to display correct string. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.2 June 13, 2013 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software is a minor update to the v1.3.1 release. It contains some minor bug fixes and a few functional changes. - The BLE protocol stack, including both the controller and host, was completely retested for v1.3.2. The profiles Running Speed and Cadence, Cycling Speed and Cadence, and Glucose were fully tested and passed certification. Other profiles with no code changes since 1.3.1 were sanity tested only. Changes and Enhancements: - Added Running Speed and Cadence profile and service. An example application demonstrating running speed and cadence is provided. - Added Cycling Speed and Cadence profile and service. An example application demonstrating cycling speed and cadence is provided. - Added delay before performing Connection Parameter changes. Implemented conn_pause_peripheral) and TGAP(conn_pause_central) timers as described in CSA 3 rev 2, Gap Connection Parameters Changes, Section 1.12. Updated HIDAdvRemote, HIDEmuKbd, KeyFob, SensorTag, and SimpleBLEPeripheral applications. - Update Privacy Flag and Reconnection Address characteristics permissions (Erratum 4202) - A new Windows USB CDC driver has been included in the installer. This new driver is signed and is functional on Windows 8 systems. Bug Fixes: - Some minor updates to glucose sensor and collector were made. - The gyroscope would draw continuous 6mA when enabled. The updated code now performs a read and turns off the gyro after 60ms. - The master�s host would accept invalid connection parameters requested by the Slave, and would send back the Connection Parameter Update Response with �parameters accepted�. The host now performs validation on these parameters. - When coming out of sleep, the HCI_EXT_ExtendRfRangeCmd would override HCI_EXT_SetRxGainCmd setting and set it to default gain. This has been fixed. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. - The HAL SPI driver that was implemented since the v1.3 release can sometimes hang, particularly in cases in which power management is used and when there is heavy traffic on the SPI bus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.1 April 18, 2013 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software is a minor update to the v1.3 release. It contains some minor bug fixes, with no major functional changes. It also contains two additional projects for the CC2541 Advanced Remote Control Kit. - Since none of the profile source code was significantly changed since the v1.3 release, no additional re-testing of the profiles and sample application were done for v1.3.1. The only exception is the HID-over-GATT profile, which was fully re-tested for this release. The BLE protocol stack, including both the controller and host, was completely retested for v1.3.1. Major Changes and Enhancements: - The GAP parameter TGAP_LIM_ADV_TIMEOUT now uses units of seconds instead of milliseconds. - The HidAdvRemote Project has been added. This implements a full mouse-like pointing functionality using motion and gesture control. The project runs on the CC2541 BLE Advanced Control included as part of the CC2541DK-REMOTE kit. The application implements the HID-over-GATT (HOGP) profile with a report descriptor supporting the keyboard, mouse, and consumer control classes of HID devices. - The HidAdvRemoteDongle project has been added. This application runs on the CC2540USB dongle, and implements partial functionality of HID-over-GATT (HOGP) host with a fixed report descriptor to match that of the descriptor of the HidAdvRemote Project. This means that the HidAdvRemoteDongle was designed only to work with the HidAdvRemote, and will not be compatible with any other HOGP devices. This project was created to allow users who are using a host device that does not have native Bluetooth Smart Ready support and/or does not have HOGP support to use the BLE Advanced Remote Control with their system. - For GAP central role applications, the bond manager now properly handles cases in which the peripheral device has erased previously stored bonding information - A new HCI extension API has been added to allow peripheral/slave devices to temporarily ignore any nonzero slave latency value, and explicitly wake up at every connection event regardless of whether it has any data to send. The prototype for the API function HCI_EXT_SetSlaveLatencyOverrideCmd can be found in hci.h, including the description of the function. - A new HCI extension API has been added to allow the application layer to get or set a build revision number. Bug Fixes: - In some cases L2CAP Peripheral Connection Parameter Update requests failed due to a zero value in the transmitWindowOffset parameter when the connection was initially established. This has been fixed and updates should now work successfully. - During bonding, connection failures would occasionally occur due to the OSAL Simple NV driver performing a page compaction and halting the CPU for longer than the time required for the link layer to maintain proper connection timing. To prevent this from occurring, the simple NV driver now has any API to force a page compaction if the page is full beyond a specified threshold. The bond manager calls this API every time a connection is terminated to ensure that compaction occurs before the next connection is set up. - Occasional slave connection failures would previously occur in cases in which the master device sends Update Channel Map requests while a large slave latency value is in use. This has been fixed. - The SensorTag application now properly supports storage of GATT Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor values with bonded devices. - After disabling advertising, the CC254x would unnecessarily wake up for a short period of time 500ms later. This unecessary wake-up has been removed. - Upon Power-On Reset or after wake-up from PM3, a 400ms delay has been implemented, during which time the CC254x will not go into PM2 sleep. This allows time for the 32kHz crystal to stabilize. Previously, in rare cases with certain hardware configurations the CC254x could have timing issues due to the crystal not having time to stabilize. - Minor bug fixes to GlucoseSensor and GlucoseCollector projects. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. - The HAL SPI driver that was implemented since the v1.3 release can sometimes hang, particularly in cases in which power management is used and when there is heavy traffic on the SPI bus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3 Dec 12, 2012 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software features several changes, enhancements, and bug fixes from v1.2.1. Details of these can be found below. Changes and Enhancements: - A new sample project, SensorTag, has been added. This application runs on the CC2541 Sensor Tag board, which is included as part of the CC2541DK-SENSOR development kit. The application includes custom services for an accelerometer, barometer, gyro, humidity sensor, IR temperature sensor, and magnetometer. - A new Boot Image Manager (BIM) is included. This allows one CC2540 or CC2541 device to contain two separate software images (an "A" image and a "B" image) stored in flash. Upon power-up, the BIM selects which image to boot into. This can be based on criteria such as the state of a GPIO pin, or based on a selection from the previously running application upon reset. - A new Over-the-air firmware download (OAD) feature is included. The feature allows a peer device (which could be a central BT Smart device such as a smartphone) to push a new firmware image onto a peripheral device and update the firmware. This feature uses the BIM, in which case the downloaded image gets stored in the opposite flash location as the currently running image. For example, if the "A" image is the current image and is used to perform the download, then the downloaded image becomes the "B" image. Upon reset, the "B" image with the updated firmware would be loaded. The OAD feature optionally allows for the firmware image to be signed (using AES). Both the SensorTag and SimpleBLEPeripheral projects include configurations for using the OAD feature. A central "OADManager" application is also included, demonstrating a central implementation for sending a new firmware image to an OAD target device. - The physical HCI interface used by the network processor (HostTestRelease) has been enhanced to work while power management is enabled on the CC254x device. The UART interface, when using RTS and CTS lines, can be used by an external application processor to wake-up the CC254x network processor. When the network processor has completed all processing, it will go into deep sleep. In addition to UART, an SPI interface has been added as an option for the physical HCI interface. It also supports power management by means of the MRDY and SRDY lines. - The CC2541 configuration of the KeyFobDemo project has been modified to support the new CC2541 keyfob hardware, contained in the CC2541DK-MINI kit. The accelerometer has been changed, and a TPS62730 DC/DC converter has been added. - The structure of all projects have been changed to include a Transport Layer ("TL") library and network processor interface "NPI" source code. This new architecture allows for non-network processor applications to have slightly reduced code size by removing unnecessary stack components. - An API has been provided allowing the device name and appearance characteristics in the GAP service to be modified by the application layer. - KeyFobDemo project now includes visual feedback from LED to indicate when device has powered up and when device is advertising. - The HID-over-GATT Profile (HOGP) implementation has been updated to now queue up HID report and send notifications upon reconnection to a HID host. - A new implementation of the HID service has been included, which supports a combined keyboard, mouse, and consumer class device in its HID report descriptor. - The API for sending L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Requests from the GAP Peripheral Role Profile has been updated to take both the requested minimum and maximum connection intervals as parameters. - BTool has been enhanced with a new GATT explorer table, displaying discovered attributes, handles, and values. An XML file is included which allows the user to define descriptions of characteristics based on their UUIDs. - HCI UART interface baud rate has been changed from 57600 to 115200. Bug Fixes: - When power management is used with long connection intervals (>2s), the CC254x remains sleeping properly without unnecessary wake-ups. - When slave latency is used, peripheral devices now properly wake-up before the next connection event when a data packet is queued - Various bug fixes on the GlucoseSensor and GlucoseCollector projects to improve compliance with profile and service specifications. - HID-over-GATT Pofile (HOGP) implementation has been updated to provide better interoperability with HID hosts. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - HCI packet size of 128 bytes or more will be disregarded by the stack, and as such, no HCI event will be returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2.1 Apr 13, 2012 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software is a minor update to the v1.2 release. It contains some minor enhancements and bug fixes, with no API changes or major functional changes. Changes and Enhancements: - When advertising is enabled by calling GAP_MakeDiscoverable, the first advertisement event will now occur within a few milliseconds, rather than waiting for 10ms. Bug Fixes: - The HidEmuKbd project now properly implements the HID Service include of the Battery Service. This bug fix allows for proper interoperability between the CC254x HID Profile and host systems running Windows 8. - The source code file hal_board_cfg.h has been updated to better support the serial bootloader (SBL) and Universal Bootloader (UBL). - Scanning in BTool can now be cancelled at any time without hanging or freezing the system. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2 Feb 13, 2012 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software includes support for the CC2541, as well as some enhancements and bug fixes. Details of these can be found below. If you have not previously worked with the v1.1b release (which had limited distribution) it is recommended that you also read the notes detailing the changes and enhancements from v1.1a to v1.1b in addition to the notes for v1.2. Changes and Enhancements: - All projects have been migrated from IAR v7.60 to IAR v8.10.4. In order to build all projects, be sure to upgrade and have IAR v8.10.4. Also, be sure to download and install all of the latest patches from IAR for full CC2540 and CC2541 support. - Multi-role and combo-role support has been enhanced. The BLE stack can now support simultaneously advertising and/or scanning while in a connection as either a master or a slave. This allows for a central device to perform device discovery while in a connection. All previous rules for multiple simultaneous connections as a central device still apply (see v1.1a release notes below). - New sample projects "SimpleBLEBroadcaster" and "SimpleBLEObserver" have been added, as example projects for pure broadcaster and observer applications with very low code size. The projects make use of new GAP role profiles broadcaster.c and observer.c that are included. - All projects have a modified architecture from the v1.1, v1.1a, and v1.1b releases. Each project contains a file "buildConfig.cfg" that can be found in the project directory and is included in the IAR project workspace as part of the "TOOLS" group. The settings in this file determine the role of the device in the application. Based on this configuration, different pieces of the BLE stack in object code are linked in, causing the code size to be larger or smaller depending on the roles supported. For example, HostTestRelease by default is now configured to support every single BLE GAP role in a single build, and therefore has a large code size (approx. 165kB). On the other hand, SimpleBLEBroadcaster is configured to only support the GAP broadcaster role, and therefore has a very small code size (approx. 39kB). - The function GAPRole_SendUpdateParam in peripheral.c has been made public to allow a peripheral application to send an L2CAP connection parameter update request at any time. - The names and configuration of the BLE stack libraries have changed. Different libraries are used depending on the GAP role (or combination of roles) used by the application. More information can be found in section 3.3.5 of the BLE Software Developer's Guide. - All library files now support power management. Power management must be enabled by the application by calling osal_pwrmgr_device( PWRMGR_BATTERY );. All sample applications that use power management make this call in the main function. - All GATT service source code has been cleaned up to make handling of client characteristic configuration descriptors (CCCDs) simpler. All CCCDs are now processing is now handled by GATTServApp and no longer must be handled by the service itself. Examples of this can be found in the included example services such as SimpleGATTprofile, Simple Keys service, Accelerometer service, etc... - The HostTestRelease network processor project now includes HCI Vendor Specific commands for each GATT client sub-procedure, matching the GATT client API. All GATT commands have been added to the "Adv. Commands" tab in BTool. The functions in the BTool GUI "Read / Write" tab now make use of the GATT commands as opposed to ATT commands. - The old "EmulatedKeyboard" project has been removed and replaced with the new "HIDEmuKbd" project. The new project performs the same functions as the old one, but is now based on the "HID over GATT Profile" v1.0 specification (HOGP_SPEC_V10) that has been adopted by the Bluetooth SIG. The HID profile functionality has been implemented in a OSAL task that runs separate from the application to allow for easy portability to other HID projects. More details on the new application can be found in the BLE Sample Application Guide included as part of the release. The following additional new services / profiles have been included to fully support the HOGP specification: - HID Service v1.0 (HIDS_SPEC_V10) - Scan Parameters Profile v1.0 (ScPP_SPEC_V10) - Scan Parameters Service v1.0 (ScPS_SPEC_V10) - Device Information Service v1.1 (DIS_SPEC_V11r00) - Battery Service v1.0 (BAS_SPEC_V10) - The KeyFobDemo project has been updated to use the adopted battery service. The custom battery service that was used in previous released has been removed. - The TimeApp project has been updated to include support for the Phone Alert Status Profile (PASP_SPEC_V10) in the Client role. - Support for "Production Test Mode" has been added, allowing a BLE application in a "single-chip" configuration to temporarily expose the HCI over the UART interface when triggered externally to do so (e.g. hold a GPIO pin low during power up). This allows the device to be connected to a Bluetooth tester in order to run direct test mode (DTM) commands on a production line using the final release firmware, while leaving the UART GPIO pins available for the application to use at all other times - A Universal Boot Loader (UBL) using the USB Mass Storage Device (USB-MSD) class has been added along with a Serial Boot Loader (SBL). The HostTestRelease project includes configurations with examples of both boot loaders. The SBL project is included with the installer. More information on the UBL can be found in the following document: C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.2\Documents\ Universal Boot Loader for SOC-8051 by USB-MSD Developer's Guide.pdf - HCI extension command HCI_EXT_MapPmIoPortCmd added to support toggling of a GPIO line as CC254x device goes in and out of sleep. This command can be used to automatically control the bypass line of the TPS62730 DC/DC converter for reducing power consumption in an optimized manner. - A slave device will now dynamically widen it's Rx window when a previous connection event was missed. This improves connection stability by accounting for additional clock drift that may have occurred since the last successful connection event. - The application now has the capability to change the permissions of the device name in the GAP service by calling GGS_SetParameter and changing the value of the parameter GGS_W_PERMIT_DEVICE_NAME_ATT. The application can also receive a callback when a client device writes a new name to the device. The application registers the callback by calling GGS_RegisterAppCBs. The prototype for GGS_RegisterAppCBs can be found in gapgattserver.h. Bug Fixes: - Duplicate filtering now works with combination states. - Various minor application / profile bug fixes. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1b Nov 30, 2011 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software includes support for the CC2541, as well as some minor enhancements and bug fixes. Details of these can be found below. The general software architecture remains the same as in the v1.1 and v1.1a releases. Changes and Enhancements: - BLE stack libraries for the CC2541 are included. - All BLE libraries are renamed and now indicate whether they are used for CC2540 or CC2541. - For each project and configuration, new IAR projects are included for use with the CC2541. The only exception is that any project/configuration that uses the USB interface has not been replicated for the CC2541, as it does not have an on-chip hardware USB interface. - Link-layer processing has been optimized to provide for reduced power consumption during connection events and advertising events. - SimpleBLEPeripheral and SimpleBLECentral now use the HCI_EXT_ClkDivOnHaltCmd, which reduces the current level while the CC2540/41 radio is active. - The bond manager has been updated to allow peripheral devices to properly pair, bond, and resolve the address of central devices that use the private resolvable address type. - New command HCI_EXT_SetMaxDtmTxPowerCmd included, which allows the maximum Tx power level to be set. This is useful when using Direct Test Mode (DTM), in that the Tx power level will be set to the maximum value set by the HCI_EXT_SetMaxDtmTxPowerCmd command, which may be less than +4dBm for the CC2540 and less than 0dBm for the CC2541. The function prototype can be found in hci.h. Bug Fixes: - The command HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd is now properly working. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - Duplicate filtering does not work when scan is used in combination with a connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1a Aug 10, 2011 Changes and Enhancements: - The thermometer profile sample application has been updated to support stored measurements. The TI_BLE_Sample_Applications_Guide has been updated to match these changes. Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - Duplicate filtering does not work when scan is used in combination with a connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 July 13, 2011 Notices: - This version of the Texas Instruments BLE stack and software features several changes, enhancements, and bug fixes from v1.0. Details of these can be found below. Changes and Enhancements: - All projects have been migrated from IAR v7.51A to IAR v.7.60. In order to build all projects, be sure to upgrade and have IAR v7.60. Also, be sure to download and install all of the latest patches from IAR for full CC2540 support. - The stack now supports up to 3 simultaneous connection as a central / master device, with a few constraints: - All connection intervals must be a multiple of the minimum connection interval (i.e. the minimum connection interval is the greatest common denominator of all connection intervals). - The minimum connection interval allowed is 25ms when using more than one connection. - When more than one connection is active, only one data packet per connection event will be allowed in each direction. - Scanning is not supported while in a connection. The consequences of this is that device discovery is not possible while in a connection. Therefore, to discover and connect to multiple devices, the device discovery must occur before the first connection is established. - Several new sample projects are included, with examples of many different BLE applications / profiles. Full details on the sample applications can be found in the BLE Sample Applications Guide, which can be accessed from the Windows Start Menu. These sample applications implement various functions. Some are based on adopted Bluetooth specifications, some are based on draft specifications, and others are custom designed by Texas Instruments. These projects should serve as good examples for various other BLE applications. - The following updates have been made to BTool (more information on these updates can be found in the CC2540DK-MINI User Guide which can be downloaded here: http://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/swru270): - Improved GUI and robustness. - All functions on the GUI been updated to handle multiple simultaneous connections. - A new "Pairing / Bonding" tab has been added, allowing link encryption and authentication, passkey entry, and saving / loading of long-term key data (from bonding) to file. - Ability to "Cancel" a link establishment while the dongle is initiating. - The following additional new controller stack features are included in this release: - Support for multiple simultaneous connections as a master (details above) - HCI Vendor Specific function HCI_EXT_SetSCACmd allows you to specify the exact sleep clock accuracy as any value from 0 to 500 PPM, in order to support any crystal accuracy with optimal power consumption. This feature is only available for slave / peripheral applications. - HCI Vendor Specific function HCI_EXT_SetMaxDtmTxPowerCmd allows you to set the maximum transmit output power for Direct Test Mode. This allows you to perform use the LE Transmitter Test command with power levels less than +4dBm. - A master device can now advertise while in a connection. - New production test mode (PTM) has been added allowing the CC2540 to run Direct Test Mode (DTM) while connected to a tester using a "single-chip" BLE library. - The controller now uses DMA to more efficiently encrypt and decrypt packets. All BLE projects must now define HAL_AES_DMA=TRUE in the preprocessor settings when using the v1.1 libraries. - The following additional new host stack features are included in this release: - A new GAP central role profile for single-chip embedded central applications is included, with functions similar to the GAP peripheral role profile. The SimpleBLECentral project serves as an example of an application making use of the central role profile. - The GAP peripheral role has been optimized to significantly improve power consumption while advertising with small amounts of data by no longer transmitting non-significant bytes from in the advertisement and scan response data. - The following additional new application / profile features are included in this release: - The GAP peripheral bond manager has been replaced with a general GAP bond manager, capable of managing bond data for both peripheral and central role devices. The gap peripheral bond manager has been included for legacy support; however it is recommend to switch to the general GAP bond manager (gapbondmgr.c/h). - The bond manager also now manages the storage of client characteristic configurations for each bond as per the Bluetooth 4.0 spec. - The simple GATT profile has a new fifth characteristic. This characteristic is 5 bytes long, and has readable permissions only while in an authenticated connection. It should serve as a reference for development of other profiles which require an encrypted link. - All GATT profiles have been updated to properly handle client characteristic configurations for both single and multiple connections. Characteristic configurations now get reset to zero (notifications / indications off) after a connection is terminated, and the bond manager now stores client characteristic configurations for bonded devices so that they are remembered for next time when the device reconnects. - Added linker configuration file for support of 128kB flash versions of the CC2540. An example is included in the SimpleBLEPeripheral project. - The SimpleBLEPeripheral project "CC2540 Slave" configuration has been updated to better support the SmartRF05EB + CC2540EM hardware platform, making use of the LCD display. Bug Fixes: - The following bugs have been fixed in the controller stack: - Scanning now working for master devices with power savings enabled. - RSSI reads no longer require a data packet to update. - Improved stability when using very high slave latency setting - HCI LE direct test modes now working properly. - HCI Read Local Supported Features now returns the proper value. - Use of two advertising channels now works. - When connecting to a device on the whitelist, the correct peer device address is returned to the host. - The following bugs have been fixed in the host stack: - Pairing no longer fails when either device is using a static, private resolvable, or private non-resolvable address. - The following bugs have been fixed in the profiles / applications: - Reading of RSSI with peripheral role profile now working. - Peripheral role profile now allows all legal whitelist modes. - Can now connect with short connection intervals (such as 7.5ms), since bond manager now reads data from NV memory upon initialization rather than immediately after a connection is established. Pairing still may not be stable when using the bond manager with very short connection intervals (for reason noted in "Known Issues" below) Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. - Duplicate filtering does not work when scan is used in combination with a connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 October 7, 2010 Notices: - The Texas Instruments Bluetooth� low energy (BLE) software development kit includes all necessary software to get started on the development of single-mode BLE applications using the CC2540 system-on-chip. It includes object code with the BLE protocol stack, a sample project and applications with source code, and BTool, a Windows PC application for testing BLE applications. In addition to the software, the kit contains documentation, including a developer�s guide and BLE API guide. - For complete information on the BLE software development kit, please read the developer's guide: BLE Software Developer's Guide: \Documents\TI_BLE_Software_Developer's_Guide.pdf (Also can be accessed through the Windows Start Menu) - The following additional documentation is included: BLE API Guide: \Documents\BLE_API_Guide_main.htm Vendor Specific HCI Guide: \Documents\TI_BLE_Vendor_Specific_HCI_Guide.pdf HAL Drive API Guide: \Documents\hal\HAL Driver API.pdf OSAL API Guide: \Documents\osal\OSAL API.pdf - The following software projects are included, all built using IAR Embedded Workbench v7.51A: SimpleBLEPeripheral: \Projects\ble\SimpleBLEPeripheral\CC2540DB \SimpleBLEPeripheral.eww HostTestRelease: \Projects\ble\HostTestApp\CC2540\HostTestRelease.eww - The following Windows PC application is included: BTool: \Projects\BTool\BTool.exe (Also can be accessed through the Windows Start Menu) Changes: - Initial Release Bug Fixes: - Initial Release Known Issues: - Use of the NV memory (to save application data or BLE Host bonding information) during a BLE connection may cause an unexpected disconnect. The likelihood of this happening increases with frequent usage, especially when using short connection intervals. The cause is related to the NV wear algorithm which at some point may cause an NV page erase which can disrupt system real-time processing. It is therefore recommended that the NV memory be used sparingly, or only when a connection is not active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 2010-2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.