MMWAVE-SDK  03_04_00_03

Build date: 03312020

Release Information

mmWave SDK (Software Development Kit) is a unified software platform for TI mmWave Sensing Portfolio providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to evaluation and development. All releases of mmWave SDK scale between the full TI mmWave Sensing Portfolio enabling seamless reuse and migration across devices. Developing scalable sensing platform solutions has never been easier than with mmWave SDK.

This release has support for the devices listed in the "Supported Platforms" section below.
The MMWAVE-SDK and MMWAVE-SDK-AOP release streams are now merged into single MMWAVE-SDK stream with the addition of support for IWR6843AOP ES2.0 silicon.

Supported Platforms
Supported Devices Supported EVMs
IWR6843AOP ES2.0 IWR6843 Evaluation Module (IWR6843AOPEVM (Rev E) + MMWAVEICBOOST (Rev B))
IWR6843 ES2.0 IWR6843 Evaluation Module (IWR6843ISK (Rev B) + MMWAVEICBOOST (Rev B))
IWR6443 ES2.0 N/A2
AWR6843 ES2.0 N/A2
IWR6843_HS ES2.01 N/A2
AWR1843 ES1.0 AWR1843 Evaluation Module RevC (AWR1843BOOST)
IWR1843 ES1.0 IWR1843 Evaluation Module RevC (IWR1843BOOST)
AWR1843_HS ES1.01 N/A2
AWR1642 ES2.0 AWR1642 Evaluation Module RevB (AWR1642BOOST)
AWR1642_HS ES2.01 N/A2
IWR1642 ES2.0 IWR1642 Evaluation Module RevB (IWR1642BOOST)
IWR1642_HS ES2.01 N/A2
AWR1443 ES3.0 AWR1443 Evaluation Module RevB (AWR1443BOOST)
IWR1443 ES3.0 IWR1443 Evaluation Module RevB (IWR1443BOOST)
mmWave Debug Devpack (MMWAVE-DEVPACK)
mmWave Real-time data-capture adapter (DCA1000EVM)
1HS devices need additional MMWAVE-SECDEV package
2Device was internally validated using a device pin compatible EVM

More Information
For more information please refer to the MMWAVE SDK User Guide and MMWAVE SDK Release Notes.

MMWAVE-SDK Product downloads

Title Description Size
MMWAVE-SDK installers
Windows installer MMWAVE-SDK v03.04.00.03 32-bit installer and dependent tools/components for Windows Host 479944K
Linux installer MMWAVE-SDK v03.04.00.03 32-bit installer and dependent tools/components for Linux Host 506332K
MMWAVE-SDK Documentation
Release Notes Release Notes for MMWAVE-SDK 380K
User Guide User Guide for MMWAVE-SDK 4996K
Software Manifest Software Manifest of Components inside MMWAVE-SDK 88K
MMWAVE-SDK runtime tools
Uniflash cloud version TI Uniflash tool - cloud version
Uniflash offline version TI Uniflash tool - offline version
mmWave Demo Visualizer TI Gallery APP for configuring mmWave sensors and visualizing the point cloud objects generated by the mmWave SDK demo
DCA1000EVM CLI Utility DCA1000EVM CLI Utility - Prebuilt/Docs/Sourcecode - located inside MMWAVE-STUDIO package
MMWAVE-SDK debug/optional development tools (Refer to Release Notes for complete list)
Code Composer Studio Code Composer Studio IDE - v9.3 or later
Pin Mux utility TI Pin Mux Configuration Utility - cloud version
MMWAVE-SDK Checksums
md5sum.txt MD5 Checksums 4K
MMWAVE-SDK previous release
MMWAVE-SDK v03.03.00.03 Link to previous release download page
MMWAVE-SDK-AOP v03.02.00.06 Link to previous release download page for IWR6843 ES1.0

Locked Fill in Form. Approved users receive download URL in 1 minute.
Locked Fill in Form. TI will contact you in 1-2+ business days.

For more information

Tue Mar 31 01:15:39 EDT 2020