SimpleLink MSP432 SDK Bluetooth Plugin Release Notes

Table of Contents


The SimpleLink™ MSP432 SDK Bluetooth Plugin is a companion software package that enables the use of a Bluetooth radio on any standard MSP432 platform. By having the ability to seamlessly and modularly add Bluetooth functionality (more specifically Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE) to an embedded system, a programmer can enable their embedded device to become a gateway to various IOT infrastructures.

This plugin leverages the use of the TI Simple Application Processor (SAP) driver connected to a CC2650 Simple Network Processor (SNP) to provide a highly customizable hardware configuration. For software connectivity between the SAP and the SNP, an architecture agnostic HAL/Drivers layer is used to promote software portability and maximize collateral reuse.

This is version of the SimpleLink MSP432 SDK Bluetooth Plugin.


Please refer to the User’s Guide for in-depth documentation on the SimpleLink MSP432 SDK Bluettoth Plugin

What’s New

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This is a maintenance release and upgrading from the previous version of the SDK plugin is as easy as installing the new instance of the plugin.

Host Support


This release requires the following other software components and tools.

Device Support

Validation Information

The MSP432 SimpleLink SDK was validated with the following components:

Known Issues


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

Prior Release Changes

v1.00.00.84 - 1/12/2017

v1.00.00.81 - 1/3/2017

v1.00.00.80 - 12/30/2016 - General Availability Release

v1.00.00.48 - 10/17/2016 - Beta Release

Technical Support and Product Updates