Enabling High Water Flow applicationsΒΆ

The recommended Delta Time of Flight (DToF) computation option for high water volume flow rates is USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate.

Expected delta time of Flight Recommended DToF option High flow option
|max DToF|<= (transducerPeriod / 2) μsec USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water USS_highFlow_option_disabled
|max DToF|> (transducerPeriod / 2) μsec USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate Don't care

The table below provides recommended DToF/High flow configurations for typical transducer frequencies in flow meter applications.

Transducer Frequency Expected
|max DToF|
Recommended Recommended DToF option Recommended High flow option
1 MHz < 0.5 μsec USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water USS_highFlow_option_disabled
>= 0.5 μsec USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate Don't care
2 MHz < 0.25 μsec USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water USS_highFlow_option_disabled
>= 0.25 μsec USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_estimate Don't care

IMPORTANT: The following water high flow options are not recommended for new development. This options have been deprecated and might be removed in the future.

Delta Time of Flifht Deprecated high flow option
USS_Alg_dToF_Calculation_Option_water USS_highFlow_option_version1