Active Mode Scan Rate (in milliseconds)
The active mode scan rate specifies the period (in milliseconds) to refresh the user interface at when in active mode (as opposed to autonomous mode). To convert to samples per second (SPS), simply take 1000 divided by the specified report rate period. For example, a report rate (response time) of 50ms would equate to 20 samples per second (SPS).

Implementation Notes
This parameter specifies the desired period. If a period is specified that is shorter than the amount of time required to measure and process the panel, then the system will simply run at the fastest rate possible.

The period described here is closely tied to the overall response time of the system to a touch or proximity. Shorter values for Active_Mode_Scan_rate_ms lead to more frequent scanning of the user interface. This is the negative effect of increasing power consumption, but the net positive effect of increasing count filter and de-bounce performance by allowing the filter coefficients and de-bounce thresholds to be increased without sacrificing the response of the system to a touch.

Affected Software Parameters
The Active_Mode_Scan_rate_ms parameter corresponds to the ui16ActiveModeScanPeriod member of the tCaptivateApplication type in the CapTIvate Touch Library.