SimpleLink™ CC32xx Host Driver Release Notes

Table of Contents


The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC32XX/31XX device family is a single-chip with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, created for IoT (Internet of Things) purposes. The CC32XX device is a wireless MCU that integrates a high-performance ARM® Cortex®-M4 MCU, allowing customers to develop an entire application with a single IC.

The Texas Instruments royalty-free SimpleLink host driver provides a complete software library, made especially for developing Wi-Fi® applications for the CC32XX/CC31XX network processors.

This is version 3_0_1_51 of the SimpleLink host driver.

Content and Documentation

The SimpleLink CC32XX/31XX is comprised of two components:

The Core driver, which is a generic NWP driver for the CC32XX/31XX SimpleLink products. The other is platform abstraction layer, which provides a means to communicate with the host platform hardware and operating system services.

The individual components have their own folders, refer to the table below.

Component Source Directory
SimpleLink Wi-Fi host driver Core source\ti\drivers\net\wifi\
SimpleLink Wi-Fi host driver platform files source\ti\drivers\net\wifi\porting
SimpleLink Wi-Fi host driver API documentation docs\wifi_host_driver_api

SimpleLink host driver has several build configurations:

RTOS Used for applications which are running with RTOS.
NO-RTOS Used for applications which are running without an RTOS.


CC323X\31X0 API guide - Overview of the host driver library’s API

What’s New

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