Change Log

New Features

ID Summary
CC3X20SDK-1531 Vendor certificate catalog - add ability to have vendor certificate catalog instead of the TI certificate catalog
CC3X20SDK-1501 SysConfig - support pinmux and driver-config using SysConfig
CC3X20SDK-1477 ALPN: add ALPN general string as setting to the NWP TLS handshake

Bugs Resolved

ID Summary
SL_WIFI_R2-1459 STA doesn't poll packets after beacon indicates both broadcast and unicast data exist for the STA
SL_WIFI_R2-1431 sl_Start() calls to return SL_API_ABORTED rather than SL_ERROR_FS_ALERT_ERR when device is locked
CC3X20SDK-1530 Doc: Add cc3120 programmers guide link to the documentation overview
CC3X20SDK-1488 CSR example: remove serial number input from user interface as it is not valid input for CSR
CC3X20SDK-1443 Sl Start which resolve in data abort cannot be followed by sl_stop
CC3X20SDK-1316 AT Command: all AT commands that send data in binary mode would fail if containing LF, CR or backspace