DualModeBT™ Certification Reports Release Notes


The DualModeBT™ certification reports are provided to customers as reference material and customers should always consult with their regulatory test house on the re-use of any test reports and/or applying modular results to their product. Please read this USE AGREEMENT carefully. If you do not agree, do not use the TI Services and TI Materials, as such terms are defined in the Agreement.

What’s New


The certification version follows the following format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

M - Is incremented for the first release every year. 1 -> 2017, 2 -> 2018, and so on.

mm - indicates the specific quarter of the year the certificatoin report was released on TI.com. 10 -> Q1; 20 -> Q2; 30 -> Q3; 40 -> Q4

pp - indicated if an udpated certification document was released in the same quarter.

bb - is an unrestricted set of digits used for minor report updates released within the same quarter.

Prior Releases

  • Technical Support and Product Updates