Table of Contents


The CC3200 SimpleLink™ Power Management Measurement application provides users the ability to configure the device in various low power uses cases, for the purposes of current consumption measurements. The user can choose to work in the Interactive (simple) mode or to use the advanced mode where they can change the define values in the source code in order to control the behavior of the application. The application has recommended guidelines on how to optimize the power consumption in the different power profiles use cases.
The various system’s basic power modes are first explained. These are the building blocks of all power management profiles:

The various power profiles are the focus of this document:

that the focus is on periodic/repetitive events, because one time events, no matter how high they peak, do not need to be taken into account, since their influence is negligible for longer periods of activities.

Getting started

All Instructions in this document are under the assumptions that the user already has a working environment of CC3200 LaunchPad, and installed all the relevant software packages. Otherwise, please refer to CC3200 getting started user guide, before proceeding.




The power management application is released as a example within the CC3200 SDK. Import it into your environment (CCS/IAR), as any other project described in the CC3200 Getting Started Guide.

Basic System Power Modes

The following section describes the CC3200 active and low power static modes. The CC3200 device contains only the Networking sub-system and is self-contained in terms of power optimization. The following system modes are defined, and could be measured using TI’s EVM boards. The main three building blocks of most power related application profiles are:

More details can be found at: SimpleLink™ CC3100/CC3200 Wi-Fi Internet-on-a-chip™ Networking Sub-System Power Management

Hibernate State

The hibernate mode represents the lowest power state of the device. This mode is entered when the MCU subsystem requests the power management unit to shut off the voltage source itself. In hibernate, all the voltage sources, like DCDC or LDOs, within the power management unit are shut off. Very few logic, which works directly on battery power, is ON and they work on 32 KHz clock. Wakeup sources to exit this sleep mode can be a toggle event on the device’s general purpose IO (GPIO) or based on timer expiry. In order to measure the static hibernate current consumption, the user needs to set the global use case variable to HIBERNATE_MEASURE.

The application enables the user to enter a constant Hibernate state for an easy measurement of the power consumption of this state.

To do so, configure g\_ActiveUseCase to HIBERNATE_MEASURE in the PM management benchmark code.

Measurement Tool

Follow the steps mentioned in the Static Current Measurements section, in order to record the hibernate current.

Expected Results The expected power consumption numbers are described in the datasheet.

LPDS state

To enter into this mode each subsystem processor requests the clock management unit for shutting off their subsystem. When both the subsystems request for this mode, Clock management unit will turn off the PLL, 40Mhz xtal, and the power management unit will shut off the power to each subsystem and scale down the voltage of always on domain to 0.9V. Active logic in this mode will work at 32 KHz xtal. There is an option of retaining the memory content for each subsystem or not. Wakeup sources to exit this sleep mode can be a toggle event on the device’s general purpose IO (GPIO) or based on timer expiry. In this mode, power saving happens because of turning off of power domain, turning off of PLL, turning off of 40 MHz xtal, memory not retained if opted, and voltage scale down. In order to measure the static Low Power Deep sleep (LPDS) current consumption, the user needs to set the global use case variable to SLEEP_MEASURE.

The application enables the user to enter a constant Sleep mode (no traffic) to enable an easy way to measure the power consumption of this state.

To do so, configure g_ActiveUseCase to “SLEEP_MEASURE” in the PM management benchmark code

Measurement Tool
Follow the steps mentioned in the Static Current Measurements section, in order to record the LPDS current.

Expected Results
The expected power consumption numbers are described in the datasheet.

Active (Rx & Tx) States

The device is fully active, voltage levels are at their operational value, and all clocks are ticking. At least one block (MCU / NWP / Wi-Fi) is running. The two main active modes are transmitting (TX) and receiving (RX). The Tx and Rx active currents vary based on the channel, packets type, etc…

Configuration Parameter
In order to individually measure the Tx and Rx current consumptions, please refer to the Appendix section of ‘Using radiotool for active modes’.

Follow the steps mentioned in the Profiles and Active current measurements section, in order to measure the average current consumption, for each of the active mode, and power profile use cases.

Expected Results
The expected power consumption numbers for each Rx and Tx states are described in the datasheet.

Power Profiles Use Cases

The Power Profiles use cases combine various power states to emulate the behavior of a real application in an end product. This section describes how to emulate, optimize, and measure such profiles. We will focus on these three main profiles:

End product’s applications have various power requirements, which drives the duration of the active states and inactive periods. The system’s latency, or the response time, is another common requirement, which focuses on how fast a device can wake up from inactive mode, and be fully functional. Thus, it is important to architect multiple low power inactive modes depending upon all the possible use cases of the end product. In other words, the low power mode used in the system is determined by the end product’s application properties.

The majority of the use cases for battery powered devices in the IoT context would necessitate the device to be in its lowest possible power state for most of its lifetime, only having to intermittently wake up and take some action. The choice of the suitable low power mode is primarily a trade-off between the response time and the power consumption. Two popular deployment use cases are considered here and the power consumption determined.

Idle Connected Profile – Use cases with responsiveness being of paramount importance would place the system in the LPDS. In this mode the device is always connected to the access point. The entire system is in LPDS with only the WLAN subsystem periodically waking up to service beacons. This system is remotely triggered to wakeup and takes action, usually by issuing commands over cloud based services.

Sensor profile - Non-time-critical use cases that have infrequent activity and need to take action either periodically or based on an external trigger (GPIO) would place the system in HIBernate. Most of the sub-systems are in its powered down state always and occasionally wakes up to perform all the necessary actions.

Follow the steps mentioned in the Profiles and Active current measurements section, in order to measure the average current consumption, for each of these profiles.

Use Case 1: Always Connected

The always connected use case deals with situations where the device must stay connected to AP in any time. Staying connected may cause a high power consumption due to periodic beacon functionality. In order to reduce the power penalty, the next improvement was implemented in the application:

A good representation of a code for such case is:

sl_WlanPolicySet(...); // configure the time interval between wakeups
sl_SetSocketOpt();     // configure UDP/TCP Secured or not
while (1) {
    sl_Send();         // can be UDP/TCP and/or secure connection 
    sl_Recv();         // can be UDP/TCP and/or secure connection

Configuring Options

There is one define value that configures the behavior of the device in this case:

A detailed configuration example for always connected use case is shown in the Always connected configuration example figure; the relevant settings are emphasized.

Expected Results



Setup & scenario info

The AP connection security is open. Device is in Idle profile (beacons receive only). Beacon interval is 102ms

Average current consumption (steady-state)

0.85 mA

Electric charge consumption of one active cycle

0.05 mC (one Beacon reception)


By default, the device is listening on a UDP socket for incoming packets. The user can configure TCP with or without SSL socket as well.
The option with SSL sockets requires a peer server.

The following figure describes the use case profile:

CC3200 Always connected idle profile

CC3200 Always connected idle profile zoomed in

Use Case 2: Intermittently Connected

This mode is for devices that need to operate between long time intervals. In this mode, the device is in Hibernate state between working cycles, the lowest power consumption possible state. Almost all the device components are shut-down, hence when waking up a new connection needs to be established. The next tweaks were taken in order to reduce the power consumption cost of this periodic establish connection action.

  1. Working with static IP (when possible) in order avoid DHCP.
  2. Set the connection policy to work with fast connect, which mean the device will try first to connect to the previous connection.
  3. Disable Scan, as in this case we probably stay in the same channel & network (AP).
  4. Disable mDNS.

A good representation of a code for such case is:

sl_NetCfgSet(…) ;      // set static IP address to the device
sl_WlanPolicySet(...); // disable scan
sl_WlanPolicySet(…);  set fast connect
sl_NetAppStop(..);     // disable mDNS
while (1) {
    sl_stop(10);       // Enter hibernate mode
    Delay();           // Long hibernate Time period
    sl_Start();        // device wake up and connect to network with previous setting  
    sl_socket();       // usually UDP 
    sl_SetSocketOpt(); // configure UDP/TCP Secured or not

Configuration Option

The define value that configures the behavior of the device in this case:

A detailed configuration example for intermittently connected use case is shown in Intermittently Connected configurations example figure; the relevant settings are emphasized.

Expected Results

UDP Packet

Parameter Description
Setup & scenario info Device wakes up from hibernate every 5 seconds, and transmit 1 packet on UDP socket. The AP connection security is open.
Average current consumption (steady-state) 1.3 mA
Electric charge consumption of one active cycle 6.5 mC

The following figure describes the use case profile:

TCP Packet

Parameter Description
Setup & scenario info The AP connection security is open. Device wakes up from hibernate every 5 seconds. Establishes a TCP and SSL connection, and then transmit 1 TCP secured packet. The SSL version is SSLv3, and the cipher is “RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA”.
Average current consumption (steady-state) 2.25 mA
Electric charge consumption of one active cycle 10.8 mC
Remarks This examples requires a peer server. See below section on how to setup a server with Python scripts.

The following figure describes the use case profile:

Use Case 3: Transceiver Mode

For Transceiver mode a connection to standard Wi-Fi network is not required. The device is in hibernate state between operation times, and the socket in use is RAW hence not requires use of networking services . In this mode we can configure some MAC/PHY attributes like:

The tweaks made in this mode for power optimization are:

A good representation of a code for such case is:

sl_WlanPolicySet(...); // set "SL_LOW_POWER_POLICY"
sl_WlanPolicySet(…);   // set all connection option to zero
while (1) {
    sl_stop(10);       // Enter hibernate mode
    Delay();           // Long hibernate Time period
    sl_socket();       // Raw socket 
    sl_SetSockOpt(…);  // Optional setting CCA threshold & TX timeout
    sl_Send();         // TX param are passed also

Configuration Options

The define values that configure the behavior of the device in this case:

  1. TAG_TUNED_CHANNEL – defines the channel number the device will work and do channel tune.
    • Example: " #define TAG_TUNED_CHANNEL 1" will set the working channel to be channel 1.
  2. NOT_ACTIVE_DURATION_IN_MSEC – defines the hibernate time period between 2 active states.
    • Example: “#define NOT_ACTIVE_DURATION_IN_MSEC 800” will set 800 milliseconds hibernate time periods.
  3. TAG_FRAME_LENGTH - Tag frame data length.
    • Example: “#define TAG_FRAME_LENGTH 50” will set the data length to 50.
  4. TAG_FRAME_TRANSMIT_RATE – the PHY rate to be used.
    • Example: “#define TAG_FRAME_TRANSMIT_RATE 6” will set mcs 6 or equivalent legacy rate.
  5. TAG_FRAME_TRANSMIT_POWER - TX Power to be used.
    • Example: “#define TAG_FRAME_TRANSMIT_POWER 7” will set the TX power.

A detailed configuration example for transceiver mode use case is shown in Transceiver mode configurations figure; the relevant settings are emphasized. A detailed configuration of MAC/PHY and L2 packet attributes is shown in PHY/MAC/L2 packet attributes configuration example figure.

Expected Results



Setup & scenario info

Device wakes up from hibernate every 5 seconds, and transmit 3 packets of 100 bytes each, on raw socket. The packet is OFDM at rate 6 Mbps & TX power is 7 (out 15).

Average current consumption (steady-state)

0.940 mA

Electric charge consumption of one active cycle

5 mC


Channel tune is being carried out on every wake up (R1 limitation)

The following figure describes the use case profile:

Power Management Application BenchMark

The power management application is released as a stand alone CC3200 application, which is inserted within the CC3200 SDK folder. Import it into your environment (code composer /IAR), as any other project described in the getting started user guide.

The application requires some preliminary action to be taken/defined within the code. The next values need to be defined; the pre-define lines are already in the code, just fill the relevant values:

  1. IP_ADDR – Destination IP address.
  2. MY_IP_ADDRESS – The device IP address.
  3. GW_IP_ADDRESS – The gateway IP address.
  4. NO_OF_PACKETS – The number of packets to be transmitted
  5. NUM_OF_CYC – defines how many times to repeat current use case.
  6. BUF_SIZE - defines the packet data size.
  7. INTERACTIVE – defines if we use the simple mode where small amount configuration/settings can be set interactively through sets of menus displayed on the terminal screen. The value 1 for this define (this is the default) will set the application to simple/interactive mode while 0 to the advanced one.

Moreover, there is also a need for a destination peer. A python script that implements TCP/UDP client or server is a simple solution for such peer. There are also good examples of DHCP server PC application that can be found in the internet, that the user can use.

How to use

The power measurement application enables to switch between the various use cases and to configure the device settings through several global variables declared at the top of the main file. The table below describes how to use them. For the user’s conveniences, some defines were already created for all possible values. Note that if the user works in interactive mode the use case & socket type are set interactively, while the other (advanced setting) still needs to be defined in source code.

Variable Name





Hibernate Current measurement mode


Sleep current measurement mode








Note: For secure socket there are default values for cipher & method variables.



The Address value is defined in the "MY_IP_ADDRESS" define statement.


Obtain IP address through DHCP process.



This variable is relevant only on Transceiver mode, the default value is 1,
aka bypass the CCA



Example Usage

This example will show how to run the application in “Intermittently connected” use case with static IP address and communicating via UDP socket.

  1. Connect the CC3200 Launchpad to a windows PC with a Micro-USB cable.
  2. Connect the current measurement tool.
    1. Check to make sure that all pull-ups, pull-downs, and resistors are in place (according the board measurement setup ECO).
    2. Remove the jumper from J6 and connect your current measurement tool.
  3. Open CCS (Code Composer Studio) and Choose File->import from the menu, choose the CCS project
  4. Check the project “power_management” and press Finish.
  5. Open the sl_common.h file under “[sdk-path\example\common\]” , and configure your network parameters. Set values for the: “SSID_NAME”,“SECURITY_TYPE” and “SECURITY_KEY” defines.

  6. Open the main file from the project explorer in the CCS and configure the general & use case settings.

  7. Right click on the simplelink project and under the build configuration set active select the “NON_OS_PM” option and recompile the simplelink project.

  8. Build the power management project. A bin file will be created under the “power_managment/Release/” directory.
  9. Flash the device with the created bin file using UniFlash tool. For newbie with UniFlash please refer to the UniFlash user guide. Important note: while flashing make sure that j15 jumper is shortened and no TeraTerm windows is open, otherwise the flashing process will fail.
  10. Launch Tera Term on the relevant com port, the serial number of the com port may differ. The baud rate should be set to 115200.

  11. Open the J15 jumper (CC3200 Launchpad rev3p2) and press the reset button the application should start running.

Current Consumption Measurements Setup

Current Measurement for Profiles and Active States

Application energy consumption profile describes the consumption of the system for different system modes over time. The profile also includes the energy consumed for the transition between system modes. The total energy consumed is an integral of the current consumed, measured in units of Amperes, over time from the supply:

Energy: E [Jouls]= ∫Vsupply*Idt

Alternatively the charge consumption could be calculated:

Charge: C [coulomb ]= ∫ Idt

Commonly, a simpler, piece-wise linear approximation description of energy consumption is used:

Energy: E [Jouls]= ∑_(x=1)^n(Vsupply*Ix*Tx )

Alternatively the charge consumption could be calculated:

Charge: C [coulomb]= ∑_(x=1)^n(I_x*T_x )

The application power consumption could be measured in various methods. Please refer to the appropriate section for each method:

These methods are recommended for dynamic and active current consumption measurements.

Oscilloscope with Current Probe

Mobile Communications DC source

Static Current Measurements

The static low power modes current consumption could be measured using digital multi-meter. Here is a description of the setup:

Digital Multimeter


  1. Do you need connecting to AP?
    1. Yes – Continue
    2. No – Use Transceiver Profile
  2. Do you connect to server?
    1. Yes – Continue
    2. No – Think
  3. Do you connect periodically to server or one shot:
    1. Periodically – Q4
    2. One Shot – Q4
  4. How often you connect to the server (in seconds):
    1. Every <9sec Use Always Connected Profile
    2. Every >9sec Use Intermittently Connected Profile
  5. What is your latency requirement (How fast you need to check the server content or response to server request)?
    1. <100msec (Always Connected Profile– No Sleep)
    2. <500msec (Always Connected Profile– LSI 100ms)
    3. >500msec (Always Connected Profile– LSI 500ms)
    4. >10sec (Go to #6)
  6. What is your throughput:
    1. <1Kbps (Intermittently Connected Profile)
    2. <5Mbps (Always Connected Profile)
    3. >5Mbps (Always Connected Profile)
  7. Do you need reliable connection with the server?
    1. Yes – Use TCP option, within the Always Connected Profile
    2. No – Use UDP option, within the Always Connected Profile
  8. Do you need secured connection?
    1. No – (Do Nothing) connect to server w/o security
    2. Yes – recommend on default values?
  9. What is the distance between the AP and the Simplelink device?
    1. <10m – use medium TX output power
    2. >10m – Use TX max output power
  10. Do you need mDNS?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t Know

Active Current Consumption Setup

Measurement Tools

It recommended to use the tools mentioned in Current Measurement for Profile and Active states, in order to record the Tx current consumption.

Alternatively, one can modify the boosterpack or Launchpad board, and measure the voltage difference across a (0.1Ohm) series resistor. Using an oscilloscope and resistor NoteNote: These actions must be taken proactively.

The Boosterpack has an option to solder a series resistor on the current path to enable measurements.

TX packet current measurement steps

Since the current is non static while perform the Tx packet transmission, an oscilloscope or data acquisition system is needed to capture the time domain waveform.

  1. Ensure that your device is running at the latest SDK.
    • This can be done by clicking HERE and installing the latest CC31xx SDK.
  2. Reset the board by pressing SW2.
  3. Attach the CC3100 Boosterpack to a CC3100EMU and connect the CC3100EMU to the computer.
  4. Connect the oscilloscope to the CC3100 by attaching the prongs of the oscilloscope to J6 of the CC3100 Boosterpack.
  5. Run the RadioTool application the PC & connect to the Boosterpack using the COM port enumerated on the PC using the device manager, located under “ports”, select the 3rd COM port.
    • The user can also click the autofind button located next to the COM Port field to automatically find the device.
    • Warning: With SPI connection, only one CC3100 can be connected to a PC at the same time because the Radio Tool doesn’t know which CC3100 device to connect to if multiple CC3100 devices are present.
    • Please see CC31xx & CC32xx Radio Tool for information on how to run the Radio Tool.
  6. On successful connection, the CHIP ID and the device versions are displayed, confirm that these are correct.
  7. Select the “TX” tab and choose the desired modulation channel and number of bytes. An example is shown below.
  8. Click on “Start TX Testing” and measure the current using the oscilloscope. If the oscilloscope only measures voltage then take the desired measured voltage and divide it by the series resistance.

RX packet current measurement steps

The measurement tools are the same as for the TX active state.

  1. Ensure that your device is running the latest SDK.
    • This can be done by clicking HERE and installing the latest CC31xx SDK.
  2. Reset the board by pressing SW2.
  3. Attach the CC3100 Boosterpack to a CC3100EMU and connect the CC3100EMU to the computer.
  4. Connect the oscilloscope to the CC3100 by attaching the prongs of the oscilloscope to J6 of the CC3100 Boosterpack.
  5. Run the RadioTool application the PC & connect to the Boosterpack using the COM port enumerated on the PC using the device manager, located under “ports”, select the 3rd COM port.
    • The user can also click the autofind button located next to the COM Port field to automatically find the device.
    • Warning: With SPI connection, only one CC3100 can be connected to a PC at the same time because the Radio Tool doesn’t know which CC3100 device to connect to if multiple CC3100 devices are present.
    • Please see CC31xx & CC32xx Radio Tool for additional information on how to run the Radio Tool.
  6. On successful connection, the CHIP ID and the device versions are displayed, confirm that these are correct.
  7. Select the “RX” tab and choose the desired modulation channel and number of bytes. An example is shown below.
  8. Click on “Start RX Testing” and measure the current using the oscilloscope. If the oscilloscope only measures voltage then take the desired measured voltage and divide it by the series resistance.
    • For measuring the current, use the “Mean” function as it would estimate the average current.

Server Setup With Python Scripts

Using python scripts is an easy solution for peer server. The python package is open sourced and can be easily installed on any PC. This document will describe how to set the python environment on a PC and how to use the provided scripts.

Software requirements

Peer server provided scripts

There are 2 python scripts provided in the packages:

  1. – this script implements a TCP server.
  2. – this script implements a TCP server with TLS/SLL.

Setting the connection parameters

Each one of the scripts requires the user to set the connection parameters the figures below show an example. setting example

    import socket,os
    TCP_IP = '' #<-- define the server IP address
    TCP_PORT = 5001           #<-- define the server listening port
    BUFFER_SIZE = 1400        #<-- define the buffer size
    idx = 1
    # open TCP socket
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind((TCP_IP, int(TCP_PORT)))
    print "waiting for RX"
    while 1:
        conn, addr = s.accept()
        print 'Connection has been established with address: ', addr
        while 1:
            data = conn.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
            # data will be null when the client closes the socket
            if not data: break 
            if data : print "received data:", idx
            #conn.sendall(data)  # echo if needed, uncomment this line if you want to reply
            idx = idx + 1
        conn.close() setting example

    import socket, ssl
    idx = 1
    print "-- Server is starting --"
    bindsocket = socket.socket()
    bindsocket.bind(('', 443))
    print "-- Server is set and listening on port 443 --"
    while True:
        print " Waiting for client requests ... "
        newsocket, fromaddr = bindsocket.accept()
        connstream = ssl.wrap_socket(newsocket,
        while True:
            data =
            if not data : break
            if data : print "packet number: ",idx
            idx += 1

Running the script

Open a command line terminal and run the command, just like in the figure 3 below. Make sure that the running computer is connected to same AP as your SimpleLink device.