Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

TI-RTOS Release Notes

This release note is divided into the following sections:

Introduction, Documentation, Products Included, What's New, Upgrade & Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Target and Compiler Support, Validation Info, Known Issues, Examples, Version Information, Technical Support.


This is an General Availability release of TI-RTOS . This version of TI-RTOS requires CCS 6.0.

The TI-RTOS delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on Texas Instruments micro-controller devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and examples of how to use these components together.

The TI-RTOS gives developers a one-stop RTOS solution for developing applications for TI embedded microcontrollers. It provides an OS kernel, communications support, drivers, and more. It is tightly integrated with TIs Code Composer Studio development environment. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.


The following documentation is available:

Release notes from previous releases are also available in the release notes archive directory.

Products Included

The following is a list of all the products bundled into the TI-RTOS installation (with exceptions as noted). 
* XDCtools is installed at the same level at TI-RTOS. If the xdctools_3_30_01_25 version is already present at that location, that version is used.
** refer to <TIRTOS_Install_dir>\products\<*Ware>\TI-RTOS.README for more details

What's New

Please refer to the Getting Started Guide and/or User Guide for more detail about the following new features. Defects Fixed since 

ID Headline
SDOCM00107298Add MSP-EXP430FR5969LP support into TI-RTOS
SDOCM00107286TI-RTOS Sitara product
SDOCM00107285TI-RTOS TivaC product
SDOCM00106727Move to MSP430Ware 1.70 (or higher)
SDOCM00106726Take advantage of new footprint reductions features
SDOCM00106529DK_TM4C123G board files need to be updated.
SDOCM00106527Codegen versions should match CCS 6.0
SDOCM00106446SDSPI timeout check fix
SDOCM00106312TI-RTOS c6000 product
SDOCM00106311TI-RTOS c2000 product
SDOCM00106309TI-RTOS MSP430 product
SDOCM00106308Need to support TM4C129x Connected LaunchPad
SDOCM00106129Change stand alone installer to generate IAR exmples by default.
SDOCM00105896C28 TRex demo examples fail to build due to missing target
SDOCM00105845build warnings for NIMU device table in GCC projects
SDOCM00105681Examples need to use footprint reduction features in 6.38/3.26
SDOCM00105311EK_LM4F120XL.h: EK_LM4F120XL_I2C0 should be EK_LM4F120XL_I2C1
SDOCM00105074Error opening doxygen pages in CCS help content window
SDOCM00105006 Build warnings for IAR when doing a top-level build
SDOCM00105002TI-RTOS examples with no heap get an error if they call BIOS_exit
SDOCM00104138TI-RTOS drivers should use C99 types
SDOCM00102477I2CTiva driver get's stuck at a Semaphore_pend() when I2C bus arbitration was lost
SDOCM00099017TI-RTOS needs to make sub-products examples accessible

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

When migrating an application that uses TI-RTOS to TI-RTOS, the following steps must be taken:
    1. Libraries: The TivaWare libraries (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOS_INSTALL_DIR}/products/TivaWare_C_Series-") must be changed to point to the new TivaWare libraries (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOS_INSTALL_DIR}/products/TivaWare_C_Series-")
    2. Include Paths: The TivaWare include paths (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOS_INSTALL_DIR}/products/TivaWare_C_Series-") must be changed to point to the new TivaWare path (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOS_INSTALL_DIR}/products/TivaWare_C_Series-").
    1. Libraries: The MSP430 libraries (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOS_INSTALL_DIR}/products/MSP430Ware_1_60_02_09a/driverlib/ccs-MSP430F5529/ccs-MSP430F5529.lib") must be changed to point to the new MSP430 libraries (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOSMSP430_INSTALL_DIR}/products/MSP430Ware_1_80_01_03a/driverlib/ccs-MSP430F5529/ccs-MSP430F5529.lib")
    2. Include Paths: The MSP430 include paths (e.g. "${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOS_INSTALL_DIR}/products/MSP430Ware_1_60_02_09a/driverlib/MSP430F5xx_6xx") must be changed to point to the new MSP430 path (e.g. ""${COM_TI_RTSC_TIRTOSMSP430_INSTALL_DIR}/products/MSP430Ware_1_80_01_03a/driverlib/MSP430F5xx_6xx"").

Host Support


This release requires the following other software components and tools versions to successfully function: 

Target and Compiler Support

The following table contains the targets available for each product. It also contains the compiler toolchains that are available and the recommended compiler version.

ProductSupported TargetsCompiler ToolchainsCompiler Versions
TI-RTOS for C2000ti.targets.arm.elf.M3 
Texas Instruments5.1.5  (M3)
6.2.5 (C28)
TI-RTOS for C6000ti.targets.elf.C66
Texas Instruments7.4.7
TI-RTOS for MSP430ti.targets.msp430.elf.MSP430X
Texas Instruments4.3.1
IAR for MSP4305.60.1
TI-RTOS for Sitarati.targets.arm.elf.A8Fnv
Texas Instruments5.1.5
GCC (in CCS 6)gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q3
TI-RTOS for TivaCti.targets.arm.elf.M4F
Texas Instruments5.1.5
GCC (in CCS 6)gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q3
IAR for ARM6.70.1

Validation Information

This release was validated using the following components:

Known Issues

There are several know issues with this release.

ID Headline
Bug 431821add explicit (Void) to parameter for implmentation of SysCallback_abort() and ready() (IAR warning)
SDOCM00107416TI-RTOS Kernel GNU examples (EK-TM4C1294XL) on Linux are missing the tm4c1294ncpdt.lds linker file
SDOCM00107380Some examples (e.g. tcpEcho) do not work on new Rev of TMDXDOCKH52C1
SDOCM00107378NDK examples for EK-TM4C1294XL do not work
SDOCM00107367TI-RTOS projects imported to IAR Workbench use the default linker files
SDOCM00107366 Grlibdemo on MSP430FR5969LP not working for IAR
SDOCM00107337BIOS and UIA examples will not link with default MSP430FR5969 linker file.
SDOCM00107336GPIO's ROV module does work on the TM4C1294 because of a missing entry in the gel file.
SDOCM00107319makedef's XDCTOOLS_JAVA_HOME default is bad in supplied examples for stand-alone installer
SDOCM00107296UARTMon IAR warning in MSP430FR5969
SDOCM00107295UART write callback function called twice for a single byte sent
SDOCM00107276ROV for GPIO exception if opened before Board_initGeneral() is called
SDOCM00107260ROV view for GPIO doesn't work for MSP430
SDOCM00106479I2C_transfer() fails to unblock with a bad I2C address on Tiva C devices
SDOCM00106370Adding and removing Semaphore module does not work correctly in XGCONF graphical editor for certain TI-RTOS examples
SDOCM00106264UART driver doesn't handle RX FIFO overruns.
SDOCM00106237SPI Tiva driver should only use required uDMA channels for transferring data.
SDOCM00106124Editor has problems identifying used code sections in CCS.
SDOCM00105778MSP430 UART logging to System Analyzer does not work
SDOCM00105762TI Resource Explorer can't distinguish between boards of the same device or same boards with different toolchains
SDOCM00105761CC3000 Wi-Fi examples not working with GCC
SDOCM00105006Build warnings for IAR when doing a top-level build
SDOCM00104686UART in Stellaris launchpad not working above 9600 baud when used with windows apps that use rxtxSerial.dll driver
SDOCM00104253MSP430 Launchpad ez-FET UART emulation issue at buadrate > 28.8kbps
SDOCM00103637MSP430 UART[USCIA] LibType_Instrumented is not recommended at baudrates > 9600
SDOCM00102563WiFi driver should not create Hwi instance
SDOCM00101155Intermittent spin lock in USB library's USBHCDPipeRead() for LM4F232
SDOCM00100865TI-RTOS drivers should have top-level enable and disable APIs
SDOCM00100864Multithreaded CC3000 Host Driver does not work properly
SDOCM00100494SPI driver was not tested in Slave Open Drain mode
SDOCM00099858Stellaris launchpad doesn't detect a USB disconnect event
SDOCM00099460ping flood causes Concerto board to stop receiving interrupts
SDOCM00098063UART driver needs to support DMA
SDOCM00097626Giving Priorities to Hwis from TI-RTOS Drivers
SDOCM00094053TI-RTOS sub-products (e.g. UIA, IPC) are not linked into CCS Help
SDOCM00093967TI-RTOS Windows install will fail if installed in multiple or single directory that contains more than 38 characters in path
SDOCM00093268Add parity and error checking for UART driver
SDOCM00088931I2C Needs a Timeout feature
SDOCM00088081SD Card driver lacks CRC support


There are driver examples for TMDXDOCKH52C1, TMDXDOCK28M36, EKS-LM4F232, EK_TM4C123GXL, DK_TM4C123G, DK_TM4C129X, EK-TM4C1294XL,  EK_LM4F120XL, MSP_EXP430F5529LP, MSP_EXP430F5529, and MSP-EXP430FR5969LP boards. There are kernel and instrumentation examples for all supported devices.Please refer to the Getting Started Guide for more details.

Version Information

All releases have 4 digits (M.mm.pp.bb). This includes GA and pre-releases (engineering, EA, beta, etc.). Pre-releases are denoted with a suffix (e.g. or

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded inEK-TM4C1294XL the top level directory, ex. tirtos_1_00_01_11.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. TI-RTOS with directory tirtos_1_00_01_70. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

Technical Support

For technical support, please refer to the Texas Instruments E2E BIOS Support Forum http://e2e.ti.com/support/embedded/tirtos/default.aspx or other forums in http://e2e.ti.com/ as needed.

Last updated: April 23, 2014