          Instruments Technology for

Build Instructions for Framework Components Examples

General Information

This page explains how to build the examples provided in the Framework Components product.


See the Release Notes for the specific software and hardware components this release of Framework Components has been validated against.

Directory Structure

                |   +---examples
                |       +---fastcopy
                |          +---<device_os> (device/OS-specific directories)

Directory Conventions

Important: throughout the rest of this document, we will use the following notation:

Preparing to Build the Examples

Create a working directory

Create a working directory (e.g. c:/myPackages) and copy the examples directory into it (e.g. c:/myPackages/examples). This will be where you build and modify the Framework Components examples.

Doing this will ensure you have a backup copy of the original examples, as provided by the Framework Components product.

Build using XDC tools

1. Manage config.bld

The Framework Components examples are also provided with XDC build scripts. The master build configuration script, config.bld, is used to define the targets and environment in which the example XDC packages will be built.

At the root of the Examples directory, there is a config.bld.default config script which can be used to start from. Simply rename it to config.bld, and open this file in a text editor.


Toolchain roots - rootDir

2. Edit Makefile to define the necessary variables

The Makefile file, located at the root of the examples/ directory, defines where the FC product is installed, and where the XDC tools are. Open this file in a text editor.

3. Build examples

From the base of your examples directory, type

    gmake clean

Other make targets might also be available in the Makefile to build subsets of the examples.

Build using the provided .pjt files (dman3 fastcopy examples only)

In addition to the portable (but admittedly confusing), XDC-based package.bld build scripts, the dman3 fastcopy examples also provide .pjt-based builds for CCS 3 Windows users. This section describes those examples.

For each platform supported, there are 2 example applications provided, e.g., dm6446_bios and dm6446_nobios. Each includes its own .pjt file located in their respective directories. For each of the CCS Debug and Release build configurations, the .pjt files also support 2 more configurations: one with the instrumented version of the ACPY3 library, and the other with the non-instrumented version.

Note:There is also a library shared by both examples, which includes its own .pjt file (fcpy_ti64.pjt). Building either application will also build the shared library.

The .pjts require three variables to be set, both are described above:

You can either set these variables in your system, or modify the .pjt files with paths appropriate for your development environment.

As expected, these .pjts require CCS and only run on Windows.

Last updated: June 16, 2010