C2000 C/C++ CODE GENERATION TOOLS Release Notes 15.12.5.LTS April 2017 ******************************************************************************* Table of Contents ******************************************************************************* 1) Support Information 2) DWARF 4 3) C2000 Unsigned Integer Division Intrinsics 4) Byte Peripherals Support 5) CLA-only Object File Compatibility 6) Aggregate data in subsections * Features Included from 15.9.0.STS: 7) New CLA Compiler Features 7.1 Removal of CLA Language Restrictions 7.2 Same Default Language Options as C2000 7.3 --cla_default Option 8) RAM Function Support 9) New C2000 Intrinsics __eallow, __edis 10) Module summary in linker map file * Features Included from v15.3.0.STS: 11) C99 Math RTS Library Support 12) New defect history files in 15.12.4.LTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Support Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1) List of Fixed and Known Defects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The list of defects fixed in this release as well as known issues can be found in the file DefectHistory.txt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2) Compiler Wiki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Wiki has been established to assist developers in using TI Embedded Processor Software and Tools. Developers are encouraged to read and contribute to the articles. Registered users can update missing or incorrect information. There is a large section of compiler-related material. Please visit: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php?title=Category:Compiler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3) Compiler Documentation Errata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Errata for the "MSP430 Optimizing Compiler User's Guide" and the "MSP430 Assembly Language User's Guide" is available online at the Texas Instruments Embedded Processors CG Wiki: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php?title=Category:Compiler under the 'Compiler Documentation Errata' link. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4) TI E2E Community ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions concerning TI Code Generation Tools can be posted to the TI E2E Community forums. The "Development Tools" forum can be found at: http://e2e.ti.com/support/development_tools/f/default.aspx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5) Defect Tracking Database ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiler defect reports can be tracked at the Development Tools bug database, SDOWP. The log in page for SDOWP, as well as a link to create an account with the defect tracking database is found at: https://cqweb.ext.ti.com/pages/SDO-Web.html A my.ti.com account is required to access this page. To find an issue in SDOWP, enter your bug id in the "Find Record ID" box once logged in. To find tables of all compiler issues click the queries under the folder: "Public Queries" -> "Development Tools" -> "TI C-C++ Compiler" With your SDOWP account you can save your own queries in your "Personal Queries" folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. DWARF 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release introduces the option to use the DWARF 4 Debugging Format. DWARF 3 is still enabled by default, but DWARF 4 may be enabled by using --symdebug:dwarf_version=4. The RTS still uses DWARF 3. DWARF versions 2, 3, and 4 may be intermixed safely. When DWARF 4 is enabled, type information will be placed in the new .debug_types section. At link time, duplicate type information will be removed. This method of type merging is superior to those used in DWARF 2 or 3 and will result in a smaller executable. In addition, the size of intermediate object files will be reduced in comparison to DWARF 3. For more information, see: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/DWARF_4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. C2000 Unsigned Integer Division Intrinsics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following intrinsic provides efficient support for signed by unsigned long modulus and division. This variant, better suited for control applications, varies from the C-language standard in that the quotient does not round towards 0 and the "remainder" is a true modulus calculation. long quotient = __euclidean_div_i32byu32(long numerator, unsigned long denominator, unsigned long &remainder); The following intrinsics are also provided and map directly to hardware instructions and its repeat version. Repeat conditional long subtraction used in unsigned modulus division: unsigned long quotient = __rpt_subcul(unsigned long numerator, unsigned long denominator, unsigned long &remainder, int rpt_cnt); Conditional long subraction instruction unsigned long quotient = __subcul(unsigned long numerator, unsigned long denominator, unsigned long &remainder); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Byte Peripherals Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The C2000 architecture has 16-bit words. Some peripherals, however, are 8-bit byte addressable. The byte peripherals bridge translates addresses between the CPU and the byte peripherals by treating the address as a byte address. Therefore, only some C2000 addresses map correctly to the byte peripherals. Even and odd addresses to 16-bit data will both map to the same data element on the byte peripheral. The same is true for addresses to 32-bit data. Thus, addresses for 16-bit accesses must be 32-bit aligned and those for 32-bit accesses must be 64-bit aligned. Driver libraries and bitfield header files are provided to access periperhals. To support these libraries and enable customers to extend them or write their own, we introduce a source-level intrinsic and type attributes to access byte peripheral data. The C2000 driver library accesses byte peripheral data at the correct starting address. However, on C2000, operations on 32-bit data are often broken up into 2 operations on 16-bit data because these are more efficient on the architecture. Accesses to 32-bit byte peripheral data cannot be broken up regularly into 2 16-bit accesses because the starting offset for the second 16-bits will be incorrect. Thus, the __byte_peripheral_32 intrinsic can be used to access a 32-bit byte peripherals data address, preventing these accesses from being broken up. The intrinsic returns a reference to an unsigned long and can be used both to read and write data. unsigned long &__byte_peripheral_32(unsigned long *x); For bitfield support, 2 type attributes have been introduced that can be applied to typedefs of unsigned ints and unsigned longs. For example: typedef unsigned int bp_16 __attribute__((byte_peripheral)) ; typedef unsigned long bp_32 __attribute__((byte_peripheral)); The typedef names do not matter. The attributes automatically apply the volatile key word and handle alignment. All struct members for byte peripheral structs, whether bitfields or not, must have these attributes applied via typedefs to ensure proper alignment of the struct accesses. Please note that struct layout will be different due to differences in alignment, so the bitfields cannot always be accessed via the same container types as in regular structs. For example, in the following examples, the bit positions for byte peripheral bitfield types are shown in comparison to regular bitfields. Because 16-bit accesses must be 32-bit aligned, it is not possible to access bits at offsets 16-31 with a 16-bit container. To access these bits, a 32-bit container must be used. In both examples, the same layout as in the regular case can be achieved by changing the field types to bp_32 from field 4 on in example 1 and field 2 on in example 2. struct example1 { // regular bits position //byte peripherals bp_16 field1:9; // 0-8 // 0-8 bp_16 field2:6; // 9-14 // 9-14 bp_32 field3:4; // 15-18 // 15-18 bp_16 field4:1; // 19 // 32 bp_16 field5:5; // 20-24 // 33-37 bp_16 field6:7; // 25-31 // 38-44 }; struct example2{ // regular bits position //byte peripherals bp_32 field1:29; // 0-28 // 0-28 bp_16 field2:1; // 29 //32 bp_16 field3:1; // 30 //33 bp_16 field4:1; // 31 //34 }; Because the alignment will create padding in any objects that are declared, it is recommended that byte peripheral addresses be cast as byte peripheral struct types instead of declaring objects of those struct types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) CLA-only Object File Compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLA-only object files will now be compatible with any C2000 object files regardless of device support options for FPU and TMU. Previously, when CLA object files were compiled, any C2000 device support options limited linking compatibility even though code for those devices was not present in the CLA object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Aggregate data in subsections -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The compiler will now place all aggregate data (arrays, structs, and unions) into subsections. This gives the linker more granularity for removing unused data during the final link step. The behavior can be controlled using the --gen_data_subsections=on,off option. The default is on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) New CLA Compiler Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 15.6.0.STS version of the C2000 compiler continues to improve support and ease of use for CLA code generation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Removal of CLA Language Restrictions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integer divide, modulus and unsigned integer compares are now permitted in CLA code. If the compiler can't eliminate or transform these non-native operations through optimization, performance advice will be issued indicating that the operations might lead to poor performance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2 Same Default Language Options as C2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The compiler will now support the same default language options for CLA as for C2000, such as being in GCC mode by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3 --cla_default Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The --cla_default option can be used to treat .c files as CLA files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) RAM Function Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ramfunc attribute can be used to specify that a function will be placed in and executed out of RAM. This allows the compiler to optimize functions for RAM execution, as well as to automatically copy functions to RAM on flash-based devices. The attribute is applied to a function with GCC attribute syntax, as follows: __attribute__((ramfunc)) void f(void) { ... } The --ramfunc=on option can be used to indicate that the attribute should be applied to all functions in a translations unit, eliminating the need for source code modification. The --no_fast_branch/-me option is deprecated and no longer has any effect. Fast branch instructions will be generated for ramfunc functions. Regular branch instructions will be generated for all other functions. For projects or files previously compiled without the --no_fast_branch option, use the --ramfunc=on option instead to generate fast branch instructions for all functions. For more information, see: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Placing_functions_in_RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) New C2000 Intrinsics __eallow, __edis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following intrinsics are now supported for C2000: void __eallow(void); // generates EALLOW instruction void __edis(void); // generates EDIS instruction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Module summary in linker map file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The linker map file now contains a module summary view. This view organizes the object files by directory or library and displays the code, read-write, and read-only size that the file contributed to the resulting executable. Sample output: MODULE SUMMARY Module code ro data rw data ------ ---- ------- ------- .\Application\ file1.obj 1146 0 920 file2.obj 316 0 0 +--+--------------------------+-------+---------+---------+ Total: 1462 0 920 mylib.lib libfile1.obj 500 0 0 libfile2.obj 156 4 0 libfile3.obj 122 0 20 +--+--------------------------+-------+---------+---------+ Total: 778 4 20 Heap: 0 0 0 Stack: 0 0 1024 Linker Generated: 424 200 0 +--+--------------------------+-------+---------+---------+ Grand Total: 2664 204 1964 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) C99 Math RTS Library Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The RTS Math Library has been changed. C99 math support is now available, including long double (64-bit) and float versions of floating point math routines. See the following link for a list of C99 math routines: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C_Programming/C_Reference/math.h#C99_functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) New defect history files in 15.12.4.LTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of the 15.12.4.LTS release, the DefectHistory.txt file has been replaced with the two files Open_defects.html and Closed_defects.html. These show the open and closed defects for the 15.12.x.LTS compiler branch. For open bugs, a status of Open or Accepted means that the bug has not been examined yet, whereas a status of Planned means that an evaluation or fix is in progress.