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Software Development Organization (SDO) Applications Packages

General Information

SDO Applications Packages are utility packages developed in alignment with customers & TI business units. They are supported mini-products, however since they are small-scale packages any large-scale enhancements and roadmap requests may not be possible.


The cg_xml package is no longer supported. The final release (June 2018) remains here for legacy purposes.

The cg_xml package is a collection of Perl scripts that do post processing on linker and OFD XML output which is generated by CodeGen Tools. Examples include footprint data, boot images, call_graphs, ROM support etc...

Download Information

Windows - cgxml-2.61.00-windows-installer.exe

Linux -

Mac -

Release Notes Mac download is typical installer.  Windows and Mac installers are signed.  All the underlying infrastructure is updated to be more robust and secure.


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